Rating of the TOP 5 best stun guns for self-defense: where to buy, reviews, prices

A little theory

The power of the selected stun gun depends on the voltage and current. For this reason, high output voltages do not always guarantee the effectiveness of self-defense - such devices, as a rule, can only scare with a bright spark and a loud crack, nothing more.

Reviews about stun guns often contain information that the voltage of the device, depending on the model, varies from 50 to 200 kilovolts. Its magnitude must be sufficient to deliver the electrical discharge to the body.

Which stun gun is better?

If you want to have a psychological impact on the enemy, you should pay attention to stun guns. They are small and easy to aim. Stun batons are the best solution for enhanced protection. They are distinguished by high quality housing, long-lasting paralyzing effect and excellent penetration of clothing. If your priority is to attract minimal attention, light weight and compactness, then it is better to buy a protective device in the form of a flashlight.

The choice of shockers largely depends on the required additional effect, type of action and power class:

  • If you want to purchase a class 1 contact-remote model with a high firing range and the ability to have a psychological impact on your opponent, pay attention to the “Taser 2020” or “Thunder Thunder KD.111.
  • For those who want to have a powerful device that can be used as a bat, neutralizing the enemy by contact, the “Scepter X v.2” (10 million Volts) is suitable.
  • For a girl, a shooting stun baton with a maximum power of 3 W and a voltage of 90 kV “Malvina-200-A” is suitable.
  • Another good power class 1 contact device to use as a bat is the Armageddon.
  • If you are looking for a stun gun characterized by a contact operating principle and power class 3, which does not attract unnecessary attention, then pay attention to the “TW-309 Cheetah 3”.
  • The best option for frequent use is the contact model “Police OSA-1101 Type” (75 kV).

Which stun gun is best also depends on personal preference. The rating presents models that are safe and effective in use.


The shocker must have the following parameters:

  • Cause pain that persists for a long time after the end of exposure to the device. This effect incapacitates the enemy and prevents him from attacking again.
  • Exposure to electric current leads to muscle cramps and subsequent paralysis.
  • Decreased reaction speed, loss of orientation, possible loss of consciousness.

Selection criteria

Currently, stun guns are the most effective and efficient legal self-defense tools. You can use the device on an attacker without fear, since it does not cause irreversible consequences and, in general, does not pose a threat to life. But it causes a paralytic effect for a short time.

How does such a device work?

It has two working contacts, between which an electric arc occurs immediately after the device is turned on. When the electrodes come into contact with the tissue of the human body, the electric arc acts on the nerve and muscle tissue, resulting in changes in their functioning and short-term paralysis.

But the paralyzing effect occurs only when tissue contacts the electrodes for a fairly long time. With short-term, sliding contact, acute pain occurs; with longer contact, muscle paralysis, painful shock, and convulsions may develop. For some people, such exposure causes loss of orientation in space.

The device is effective against both people and, for example, dogs. Moreover, in this case, it often scares away animals only with its sound and the sight of sparks that appear between the electrodes immediately after turning on the device.

When choosing a device, consider the following features:

  • If the device is a contact type, then you will need to be in close proximity to the attacker in order to press the electrodes against him. This can be quite dangerous.
  • The contact-remote device is a shooting device, that is, it shoots a cartridge with electrodes over a certain distance. This is more convenient, but in fact you will not be able to use the device in a crowd or in a confined space, such as an elevator or a small room, so you will have to spend time aiming at it. Such devices are disposable - after the first cartridge is fired, it can only work in a simple, contact mode.
  • Power - this indicator determines how effective the device is, how well it will work, for example, in winter, through several layers of clothing.
  • For remote devices, the force with which the cartridge is ejected is important. It determines how far the device will “shoot”.
  • The method of charging the device and the duration of its operation in autonomous conditions.
  • Look at what class the device belongs to. The second class is considered optimal in terms of price-quality ratio.
  • Manufacturer: please note that on the territory of the Russian Federation only those devices that were manufactured by licensed Russian companies are allowed to be used, and there are only five of them - Mart Group LLC, Tander LLC, Oberon CJSC, NII Steel LLC , NPO Special Materials. In order not to be held liable for the use of the device, even in the case of self-defense, you need to use a stun gun only from the listed brands.
  • The device must have a certificate confirming its testing in laboratory conditions.
  • The shape and size of the device body – it should fit easily into your hand and be convenient for quick use.
  • Power type - the device can be rechargeable or run on batteries. The batteries last for 20 3-second discharges or a year and a half of being in an inactive state. The battery must be charged from the mains after each use or six months of wearing for 8 hours.
  • The presence of a fuse means that you will not injure yourself through negligence. Removing the fuse does not take much time, but it can significantly protect it.

Please note that only persons over 18 years of age may use or own the device. Since the device is a non-lethal weapon, it does not require registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the owner does not need any certificates, however, you need to have a certificate with you confirming the legality of the purchase. When choosing, pay attention to the seller’s willingness to provide you with such a certificate.

Degree of damage

When choosing a stun gun, you need to pay attention to its level of damage. In practice, the effect of a shocker may vary depending on certain circumstances.

In a review of a stun gun, an ordinary user indicates that the effect the device provides depends on the amount of clothing worn by the person. A fur coat or a cotton T-shirt will not be an obstacle to the current, unlike a leather jacket and an additional layer of clothes.

The effectiveness of the shocker depends on the person’s pain threshold and charge tolerance. For example, a stun gun will quickly knock an attacker weighing 60–65 kg off his feet, while an opponent several times heavier will only be provoked and angry.

Nervous state also affects the effectiveness of the shocker: if the person to whom the device is applied is intoxicated by drugs or alcohol or has a surge of adrenaline in the blood, then the shocker may not work or may not have the desired effect.

What to look for when choosing

Expert advice when choosing a stun gun to protect yourself:

  1. Legality . Anyone over the age of 18 can purchase a stun gun. No permits or registration required.
  2. Class . Decide how you will use the device. From stray dogs it is enough for the device to be class three. For self-defense, devices of the second and third classes are quite suitable. But for high-quality protection of life and property, first-class devices are still preferable.
  3. Variety. Determine which model is more suitable for you - contact or shooting.
  4. Size and shape . To carry the device with you all the time, small-sized and lightweight models are recommended, and take the shape of the device that you like. Sometimes the appearance of a stun gun alone can scare the attackers.
  5. Nutrition . Like all electrical devices, shockers are equipped with either a battery or a set of batteries. Here the choice is at your discretion.
  6. Fuse . It is desirable to have it. This is a plus for you, greater safety, and removing the safety lock is a matter of a split second.

Stun gun "Osa" 1101

"Osa" 1101 is a second class stun gun, released in 2013. A distinctive feature of the paralyzer is its high-strength metal body, thanks to which the device can be used as a striking force - to break glass or stun a criminal.

Judging by the positive reviews of the Osa 1101 stun gun flashlight, it surpasses many of its analogues in terms of parameters and impact. The requirements for modern protection devices are fully complied with by the manufacturer of the Osa stun gun. At the same time, the device has an affordable price.

How to choose the right stun gun for self-defense

When choosing a stun gun for self-defense, you need to take into account the main characteristics of the devices and think about your own needs. First of all, the device should be truly useful.


Stun guns on sale usually have a power reserve of 0.3 to 3 W. There are better 10 W devices, but they are only available to law enforcement officers.


A very important criterion is the output voltage. In accordance with the voltage, stun guns are classified into power classes. Namely:

  • 1 - the best devices with a voltage of 70-90 kV, capable of knocking out or paralyzing the enemy;
  • 2 - disorienting devices with a voltage of 45-70 kV, which can briefly neutralize the attacker;
  • 3 - devices with 20-45 kV voltage cause virtually no damage and serve more as a psychological weapon.

The classification of stun guns also includes devices of classes 4 and 5 with a voltage of up to 20 kV. But they are not suitable for self-defense; the only useful effect is a visible electrical discharge.

Important! The best class 1 stun guns are capable of hitting an enemy even through a thick layer of clothing.


Basically, stun guns are made in the form of a rectangular bar with electrodes at the end, a hand-held flashlight or a compact baton. The latter are the best for direct combat; if the device is heavy enough, it can literally stun the attacker.

Baton shockers can be used in close-contact combat

Some types of shockers are made in the shape of a pistol. In poor lighting, the enemy may confuse such a device with a real weapon and change his mind about continuing the conflict.

Electric discharge stun guns are the best for keeping a bully at a distance


Some stun guns are battery operated. The power of the batteries is enough for an average of 60 seconds of continuous exposure; it is advisable to change them after each use.

Other models are equipped with a built-in battery. Depending on the capacity, you need to charge it after each use of the device or only once every few months. Rechargeable devices are considered the best.

Advantages of the Osa 1101 shocker

  1. Disorientation of the attacker for a long period of time.
  2. Built-in LED flashlight. Its power is enough to illuminate a large area. It can also be used to blind an attacker.
  3. Simplicity and ease of operation. Even a child can use a shocker.
  4. Compact dimensions and light weight allow you to carry the Osa 1101 stun gun in your pocket.
  5. Energy-intensive battery. A full battery charge lasts for several months.

Flashlights-electric stun guns

In appearance, these models are difficult to distinguish from ordinary flashlights. This is their advantage, since the shocker does not attract unnecessary attention and gives an advantage over the attacker. They are compact, lightweight and made of durable material. VyborExpert specialists tested 8 applicants. 2 winners have the best characteristics.

TW-309 Cheetah 3

Model 3 class “TW-309 Cheetah 3” has proven itself to be a pocket bodyguard. It is characterized by a contact principle of operation with a voltage of 25,000 W, ensuring penetration of clothing up to 60 mm thick. After receiving the shock, the enemy will be in a state of shock for about 50 minutes. The stun gun is equipped with rubberized inserts and is made in an ergonomic shape, which contributes to the most reliable fixation and does not allow the opponent to tear it out of his hands.

Buyers note the high effectiveness of the shocker in scaring away dogs due to the very loud sound during operation (sparking frequency - 320 Hz). For protection, you can use an LED flashlight, which will help temporarily blind the attacker. The device is equipped with a built-in energy-intensive battery (3500 mAh), the charge of which is enough for 200-300 discharges or 2.5 hours of operation in 100% light mode. Due to its miniature size (12 x 4.2 x 2.6 cm) and the presence of a cover, it does not attract unnecessary attention.


  • Durable plastic housing;
  • Light weight – 125 g;
  • Average exposure time – 1.5 seconds;
  • The presence of a hole to which a lanyard is connected for wearing;
  • Built-in fuse.


  • There are a lot of fakes (you need to choose the seller carefully).

To avoid the shocker from malfunctioning, manufacturers prohibit using it while charging.

Police Osa-1101 Type

The Police Osa-1101 Type stun gun was included in the rating of the best due to its practicality with frequent use. It is made of aircraft-grade aluminum, which protects the body from scratches and impacts, promoting long service life. At the top of the coating there is a special polymer that allows the device to operate smoothly in all weather conditions. To carry it, there is a cloth case with a belt clip.

The contact model is equipped with the “Super Touch” system, which will significantly reduce the charge consumption of the built-in battery (no more than 8% per month). Information about the battery status is available at the back of the case, where the diode is located. “Safe Shok” technology will not allow the shocker to burn out when it comes into contact with metal. A class 1 device with a voltage of 75 kV penetrates clothing up to 4.5 mm thick. The LED flashlight (350 lm) built into the body does an excellent job of illuminating large areas and disorienting the attacker.


  • Easy to use;
  • Light weight – 175 g;
  • Diode service life – 60,000 hours;
  • Built-in fuse;
  • Compact dimensions – 16.6 x 3 x 3.6 cm.


  • Warranty period – 1 year.

This shocker is effective in repelling dogs due to the ozone generated and the loud sound.

Stun gun "Phantom" 2.0

One of the most popular models of stun guns, produced by the American company WEI-SHI. You can also find Korean analogues on the market.

According to reviews of the improved Phantom 2.0 stun gun, the following advantages of the device can be highlighted:

  • Compact size and light weight.
  • Improved design.
  • High strength aluminum housing.
  • Optics with built-in lens and strobe with three operating modes.
  • The range of the light beam of the flashlight is 500 meters.
  • Removable high capacity lithium battery.
  • Possibility of charging both from the vehicle’s on-board network and from a standard 220 volt network.

Users also note the following disadvantages in reviews of the improved Phantom 2.0 stun gun:

  • Requires regular charging.
  • High price.
  • Low resistance to moisture.
  • The likelihood of running into a fake.

Despite the existing shortcomings, the Phantom 2.0 stun gun has good efficiency: the attacker does not come to his senses after its impact for 30 minutes.

Stun guns, tested on ourselves

As I see, these stun guns on Muska are inspected once a year, this year, 2014, no one has inspected them yet, I will be the first. In short, this is not a weapon, it’s a scarecrow, but sometimes a scarecrow can be useful. I won’t take it for myself, but the customers are happy.

The doctor prescribed walking for my mother, at least 8,000 steps a day, for this I bought her a pedometer, which turned out to be useful. But in the fall it gets dark early, so for evening walks I bought an LED flashlight with zoom, small and powerful. But then trouble came out of nowhere: the dogs started getting married. They run in packs, bark at passersby, and are scared to walk. So, for protection from dogs and other animals in a state of sexual or alcoholic intoxication, 2 externally different stun guns in the form of a flashlight were purchased, a friend ordered the second one.

As I understand it, they have the same filling, the only difference is in the design, one is more traditional in appearance, and the other is more brutal. They came in boxes: in the box there is a stun gun, a very short 15 cm wire for charging, the “traditional” one has an adapter for our socket and a case, the case can be attached to a belt, the “brutal” one has a Russian plug. The overall impression from the appearance is a C grade. The “brutal” shocker does not fit in the hand and is not comfortable. Shockers have built-in batteries, charge directly from a 220V outlet, the charger wire is very short. They are made of aluminum, looking at them you assume a certain mass, but they are lighter than they seem, a flashlight of this size weighs more, I don’t have scales, but it feels like it weighs 200 grams, so it’s not much use as a baton. At the rear end there is a charging socket and an on-off switch; when charging, it must be moved to the on position; charging lasts 12 hours. The indicator lights up during charging and goes out when the process is complete.

The shocker has 2 buttons, one for the flashlight, the other for the shocker, they are located on opposite sides. The flashlight button protrudes above the body and at the same time serves as a fuse for the shocker. The operating algorithm is as follows, the button moves back and forth and has 3 positions: everything is off, flashlight, unlocking the shocker.

The small round button of the shocker is slightly recessed into the body so as not to be accidentally pressed. The shocker is triggered when the button is pressed only when the flashlight button is moved to the extreme forward position. In other positions, no matter how hard you press it, it won’t work, it’s a kind of fuse.

There is a flashlight on the front end. There is no lens, only very thin transparent plastic, when pressed it bends, a small LED.

The flashlight is frankly weak. Although it depends on everyone, my friend has never held a flashlight with a modern LED in her hands, so the brightness seems good to her.

Here's an example of how a $5 flashlight shines on one AA battery

Here's another example, with shockers on the edges and the aforementioned small flashlight in the center.

The shocker contacts protrude from the body by about half a millimeter. When you press the shocker button, a spark jumps between both contacts and a loud crackling sound of electrical discharge is heard. The better the shocker is charged, the brighter the spark and the louder the crack. This crash was really scary; everyone I showed it to, everyone involuntarily shied away. And even if just a second ago you were fearlessly shining a flashlight, when you turn on the shocker, you try to move your hand away. Tested it on myself. The shocker must be pressed into the body; the stronger the contact, the more powerful the blow. Clothing softens the blow; after application there are no marks or holes left on the clothes. He hit himself in the stomach and leg. After use, red burns appeared on the body, worse on the stomach, although it seemed that the blow to the leg was stronger. The conclusion from this is that the presence of fat on the belly also softens the blow; the blow to the leg to the muscle is much more painful, here is the video.

If the video does not work for anyone, here is the link www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1sl29zpjng To knock out a person, even from a police teaser, you need to shock him for several seconds, but I beat myself for less than a second, so all conclusions were made by extrapolation. It is impossible to knock out a person with these stun guns, but it is possible to knock them down. You need to hit in places unprotected by clothing, or where there is less clothing. It's best to hit the muscle. I think the most effective strike within a few seconds will be to the leg. Your leg will cramp and there will be a chance to run away, or finish off the enemy, using the shocker as a baton. But its most effective use is as a scarecrow, he cracks convincingly.

A friend tested a “brutal” stun gun in action. She goes to work gardening and dogs pester her, bark at her, and run up close to her. According to her, it’s enough to crackle the shocker at the sight of the pack so that the dogs shut up and don’t come close. She didn’t shock the dogs, because to do this the dog had to be at arm’s length, and now they didn’t come closer than 4 meters to her, so she was happy with the purchase.

Conclusion: I won’t buy such a stun gun for myself, it’s weak, and it’s unlikely to save you at a crucial moment. But to take someone on a show-off, or to fight off dogs, this device will do.

But I’m wondering, if you use it against a car, will it knock it out? Will it burn out the electronics, radio, injector, or will just the fuses burn out, or nothing will happen?

Links to shockers: tinydeal.com/metal-housing-led-flashlight-torch-electric-baton-black-p-62224.html, tinydeal.com/1188-3600kv-self-defensive-flashlight-anti-riot-device- bodyguard-p-103360.html Links to previous reviews:

Stun gun "Osa" 916

"Osa" 916 is a compact stun gun belonging to the first class of protection devices. Equipped with a bright flashlight and a highly durable body with comfortable finger grooves. During operation, it makes a loud cracking noise, which allows the shocker to be used against animals.

Judging by the reviews of the Osa 916 stun gun, users note the following advantages:

  1. Large diameter electrodes with high throughput, which increases the power of the electric shock.
  2. Long discharge arc due to widely spaced electrodes.
  3. Highly durable shock-resistant housing.
  4. The power of the charge generated by a stun gun is sufficient to incapacitate a person of any size and weight, even one under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  5. Energy-intensive battery. A full battery charge lasts for 800 shots. In offline mode, the device operates for 16 weeks.
  6. The kit comes with a fabric case in which you can store the device.

Stun batons

This model is the best stun gun for self-defense. It is characterized by high body strength and optimal dimensions, allowing the device to be used as an impact device. High power and voltage levels provide a long-lasting paralyzing effect and good thickness of clothing penetration. The editors of Vyborexperta.ru carefully studied and compared the parameters of 10 applicants. 3 stun guns received the highest score.

Scepter X v.2

model is the presence of 2 built-in batteries with a capacity of 4200 mAh. Their potential provides a high discharge - 10 million volts and the maximum possible noise effect, spreading within a radius of 150 m. The stun baton neutralizes a person by contact in a record 0.05 seconds. When paralyzed, the attacker feels almost nothing; pain appears after recovery from the state of shock.

The 1st class device is equipped with a flashlight with a maximum luminosity of up to 500 m (320 lm) and 5 operating modes. With its help, you can blind your opponent from a distance by selecting the strobe mode. The self-defense product is made of space-age aluminum alloys with a textured surface that promotes ideal grip on the palm. The device is quite weighty (400 g) and dimensional (34 x 3.5 x 3.5). It is ideal for men, since these indicators create the possibility of using a shocker as a shock weapon.


  • Battery life – up to 12 months;
  • Paralyzing effect for 90 minutes;
  • Clothes penetration thickness – up to 70 mm;
  • Ability to hold the shock button for 8 seconds;
  • There is a branded carrying case.


  • Lots of fakes.

Users write that the sound produced by this model is so loud that even bears are afraid of it.


…I often return home at night through a landing where there are many large dogs. I wanted to buy a good stun gun with compact dimensions and high power that would scare away animals and, if necessary, neutralize a person. I'm happy with my choice. Using the device, I easily drove away a pack of dogs, and now I’m not afraid to walk alone...

Expert opinion

The Malvina-200-A device is successfully used to protect against attacks by dogs and people. Due to its compact dimensions (211 x 40 mm) and ergonomic handle, it is very popular among women. The model easily fits in a purse, car glove compartment or inside pocket. To avoid unnecessary questions and attention, a camouflage case is provided, in which the shocker will be difficult to distinguish from a regular umbrella. The body is made of fiberglass with impact protection, which allows it to be used as a baton if necessary.

With a power of 2-3 W and a voltage of 70-90 kV, the self-defense product can neutralize an opponent in 1 second. To do this, you can use a “BTER” cartridge with electrodes that strike at a distance of up to 4.5 m, or a contact operating principle, without the need to remove the replaceable unit. A class 1 stun gun supports the operation of KSS signal cartridges, the bright flash and loud sound of which will easily blind and deafen an attacker. The model's power source is a Ni-MH battery, which should be changed every 8-10 months.


  • Light weight – 260 g;
  • Clothes penetration thickness – up to 14 mm;
  • The duration of recovery from the state of shock is up to 10 minutes;
  • High build quality;
  • Versatility.


  • There are no spare cartridges included.


This electric shocker belongs to the latest generation of stunners, characterized by the highest contact discharge voltage of 10 million volts. It will be enough to neutralize an opponent weighing more than 120 kg, including such large animals as a wild boar, wolf or elk. The 3 mm thick aircraft aluminum alloy body and its length of 43.5 cm allow the Armageddon stun gun to effectively serve as a baton. The rubberized handle will protect against slipping.

The class 1 stun gun is powered by 2 built-in lithium-ion batteries 18650 3.7V, which allows you to use a powerful flashlight with an adjustable focal length option and a lighting range of up to 600 m. During operation, the sparking frequency is 750 Hz, providing a very loud sound, reminiscent of a shot , which will easily scare off an intruder or animal. Depending on the contact hold (1.2, 2 or 4 seconds), the duration of the paralyzing effect is 5, 15 or 40 minutes. During testing, the maximum time to recover from shock was 1.5 hours.


  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • Average weight – 390 g;
  • Presence of a fuse;
  • Protection of the housing from moisture and dust;
  • Excellent penetration ability – up to 4.5 cm;
  • Possibility of use for security purposes;


  • The kit does not include a case.

Users write about the uninterrupted operation of the model in all weather conditions.

Stun gun TW 10

Users in reviews of the TW 10 stun gun note that the device has a loud and unpleasant siren, a powerful discharge and an additional flashlight.

Advantages of the shocker:

  • A fuse that prevents accidental pressing of buttons.
  • Ergonomic and comfortable body shape, so the stun gun fits comfortably in your hand.
  • Rechargeable batteries are used as batteries.
  • After the discharge, residual voltage is not focused on the electrodes.
  • Maximum effect thanks to 4 spike contacts.
  • Protection from animals.
  • The presence of a loud siren.
  • Menacing appearance and large dimensions.

Types and features of choice

When deciding which electric shocker is better, it should be noted that they are divided into several types according to their method of action: contact and shooting. In the first case, you need contact with objects, the second options are remote, they are also called shooting. In addition, there are 3 classes of devices based on current strength:

  • Class 1 – has a power of 2-3 W and a voltage of 70-90 kW. Such devices are the most powerful, but they can be used in the Russian Federation. According to experts, the products are best suited for self-defense as they work through multiple layers of clothing, even in winter.
  • Class 2 – has a power of up to 2 W and a voltage of 45-70 kV. The efficiency is lower in comparison with the first type, but the main advantage is the ratio of cost and quality with good performance.
  • Class 3 - weak devices that allow a psychological attack, they have a power of up to 1 W and a voltage of 20-45 kV. It may not be possible to completely neutralize a person, but for intimidation these are normal options. They have a minimum cost and good quality.

Any of the described classes is allowed to be used in Russia only from the age of 18. To choose the right product, you need to understand the basic criteria:

  • Appearance. Often, models on sale are in the form of a flashlight, a pistol, a baton, or an analogue of a mobile phone. For example, compact options will be convenient to wear and easy to hide, but if you use an analogue of a baton, the stun gun can become a subject for beating an object. This also includes the size and weight of the device. If you need to carry and use the device frequently, it is recommended to select light and small shockers.
  • Operating principle. All products differ in their operating principle. There are options for contact attack or remote (shooting types). The second type is preferable; you need to immobilize the enemy at a distance of up to 5 meters. They use cartridges that come included and are sold additionally as consumables.
  • Nutrition. All devices operate autonomously, using a built-in battery or regular batteries. Batteries are preferable, since they simply need to be recharged periodically; in other cases, batteries are replaced approximately once every six months to a year
  • Legality. This parameter is very important when purchasing, even taking into account the fact that no documents need to be completed during the purchase. In the Russian Federation, it is allowed to use models that are made in the country, have a certificate, a passport, and the manufacturer provides a guarantee for such products.
  • Class. This selection criterion is individual and depends only on the needs of the person. For self-defense, there is no need to buy class 1 models; 2 or 3 will be enough. The main thing is to understand under what conditions you can offer resistance. In the case of protection only from animals, it is enough to buy class 3 shockers. They will instill fear with their very discharge and flash. To protect against people, it is better to use class 1 or 2 models.
  • Presence of a fuse. Such an addition will be a huge positive factor, due to which you can prevent accidentally striking yourself. In addition, removing the safety lock takes seconds.

Knowing the main parameters, you can begin to consider the best models. The rating describes options for self-defense or repelling animals. The review is based on basic parameters, including power, voltage, etc. The price of equipment and efficiency, expert and user opinions were also taken into account.

Stun gun "Lightning" 1311

The “Molniya” 1311 shocker is made in a high-strength metal case with a built-in LED flashlight that operates in three modes: strobe and two brightness modes. It is possible to change the lamp beam from spot to wide-angle thanks to the ZOOM function.

The duration of the shock from the Molniya 1311 shocker is divided into three types: short, medium and long. In order to scare away the attacker and ensure muscle contraction, it is enough to use a short shock. Prolonged loss of consciousness or a state of shock from the effects of a stun gun (almost every review contains information that even an average discharge lasting 1 to 3 seconds causes severe pain, convulsions, loss of orientation) is achieved by using a prolonged discharge. 10 seconds are enough to throw a person off balance for a long time.

In reviews of the Molniya 1311 stun gun, users note that the retractable electrodes allow you to carry the stun gun with you without fear that it will be confiscated.

Stun guns

The advantage of these models is the psychological impact on the enemy and ease of aiming due to the shape of the product, which imitates a real pistol. They are characterized by contact and remote operating principles. For better sighting, the devices are equipped with a laser designator. After testing 7 nominees based on versatility, ease of aim and effectiveness, 2 winners were selected.

Taser 2020

The “Taser 2020” model with a power of 3 Watts and a voltage of 80 kV belongs to class 1. This is the best stun gun for self-defense in the form of a pistol, characterized by a high firing range of up to 6 m. It is equipped with a laser sight that will help those who lack marksmanship skills to hit the target. The device also supports contact action, allowing you to neutralize an attacker at close range. The model can cope with clothing thickness up to 50 mm, providing a paralyzing effect for up to 40-50 minutes. The shocker is charged from a 220V network.

The self-defense product is suitable for scaring away stray animals. They are afraid of the characteristic crackling sound produced by high sparking frequencies (500 Hz). The multi-charger is made of shock-resistant and waterproof plastic with an anti-slip coating. Its light weight (220 g) and compact dimensions (15.5 x 6 x 3 cm) facilitate comfortable use by both men and women.


  • High build quality;
  • The set includes 3 cartridges;
  • Affordable price;
  • Versatility;
  • Flashlight built into the body.


  • Not detected.

To avoid accidental pressing, the Taser 2020 has a safety lock. An individual case is provided for the stun gun. If you need to transport it along with components, you can use the nylon case in which the product is delivered.

Thunder Thunder KD.111

The Russian-made electric shocker “Thunder” is powered by a high-capacity lithium-ion battery. Its charge will last for 12 hours of continuous operation with the built-in LED flashlight turned on, which can be used to disorient an attacker.

Information about the battery status is available on the shutter part, where the indicator is located. The stun gun has a strong nerve-paralytic effect on a person (up to 30 minutes), the consequences of which are nausea, spasms, dizziness and even loss of consciousness.

The device belongs to class 1, as it has a power of 3 W and a voltage of 90 kV. It is characterized by high frequencies (250 Hz) and produces a strong sound when operating, which scares away dogs. The contact and remote operating principle is supported here.

Using the BTER cartridge with special harpoon hooks, a shot can be fired at a maximum distance of 4.5 m. To facilitate sighting, a laser pointer is built in. The minimum duration of discharge for contact and remote use is 1.5 and 3 seconds, they are adjusted automatically.


  • 45 days of autonomy in idle mode;
  • The device completely replicates the shape of a real pistol;
  • Optimal weight – 340 g and dimensions (20 x 15.5 x 5 cm);
  • Ergonomic, anti-slip handle;
  • Thermal protection function.


  • Only 1 replacement cartridge included.

Buyers appreciated the independent fuse installed on both sides of the case, which facilitates comfortable use by both right- and left-handed people. They also speak positively about the holster with a pocket made of high-quality leather for a spare cartridge, the availability of which must be checked with the seller.

Stun gun "Osa" 1108

The Osa 1108 Metal stun gun is one of the most powerful stun guns. The voltage generated by its electrodes is enough to incapacitate an attacker. The discharge is accompanied by a loud crack, thanks to which the shocker can be used as a means of self-defense against animals.

The Osa 1108 stun gun is made in the form of a baton from high-strength waterproof metal. The length of the stun gun is 270 mm. The stun gun is equipped with a 100W flashlight, an energy-intensive battery and a fuse that protects against accidental pressing of the button. The maximum voltage generated by the Osa 1108 Metal stun gun, according to reviews, can penetrate a layer of clothing 53 mm thick and incapacitate the attacker.

Rating of stun guns

Stun guns are a civilian type of weapon that does not cause irreparable harm to a person. However, their safety may be questionable due to the use of low-quality materials or non-compliance with the manufacturing process. To avoid this problem, a rating of the best stun guns was compiled. It is based on customer reviews, as well as consultations with sellers.

During the selection, many characteristics were taken into account, but the main ones were the following:

  • Operating principle – contact or remote;
  • Duration of the paralyzing effect;
  • Clothing penetration thickness;
  • The degree of noise effect;
  • Intended use: protection against attacks by dogs or people;
  • Power and voltage;
  • Power source – batteries or accumulator;
  • Availability of an auxiliary or masking cover;
  • Dimensions and weight;
  • Form - pistol, baton or flashlight;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Recharging frequency;
  • Guarantee period;
  • Build quality;
  • Sight range (for remote ones);
  • Lifetime;
  • Availability of flashlight, target designator and fuse functions.

Also an important criterion in the analysis was the optimal price-quality ratio. Out of more than 20 considered applicants, only 7 devices that scored the highest score during testing made it into the TOP.

The best dog repellers

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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