Nutrition and health. Scientific foundations of rational nutrition. Nutritional diseases and their prevention. Alternative and non-traditional types of nutrition.

Non-traditional nutrition

Unconventional nutrition - types of nutrition that differ from the types and methods of nutrition accepted in modern science for healthy and sick people. Non-traditional nutrition is also called alternative ,

which means the ability to choose between one or another type of non-traditional nutrition and the recommendations of nutrition science.

The main types of non-traditional nutrition include the following:

Vegetarianism (from the Latin “vegetarius” - plant) is one of the most ancient alternative theories of nutrition. There are strict vegetarianism -

eating only plant foods
, lacto-vegetarianism
- eating milk-plant foods,
- eating milk-egg-plant foods.

Proponents of vegetarianism in their works refer to the outstanding minds of mankind who ate predominantly plant foods, and this substantiate their conclusions about the positive effect of a vegetarian diet on brain activity and intelligence (Pythagoras, Epicurus, Plato, Ovid, Plutarch, Seneca, Thomas More, Montaigne, Voltaire , Rousseau, Adam Smith, Byron and many others). According to the views of vegetarians, the consumption of animal products contradicts the structure and function of the human digestive organs, promotes the formation of toxic substances in the body that poison cells, clog the body with toxins and cause chronic poisoning.

Some researchers note that vegetarians are less likely to experience damage to the cardiovascular system, lower levels of cholesterol in the blood and blood pressure, reduced blood viscosity, a lower incidence of hypertension, intestinal tumor diseases, etc.

However, most researchers believe that with strict vegetarianism, protein deficiency, hypovitaminosis, and dysbacteriosis occur.

Therapeutic fasting is abstaining from food for a certain period of time. The period of fasting can vary - from one day to several weeks (with the obligatory inclusion of water). This system is based on the mobilization of the body's defenses, forcing the inclusion of reserve forces and helping to cleanse the body of metabolic end products. But long-term fasting is not acceptable, especially under conditions of exposure to harmful environmental factors, psycho-emotional stress, etc.

Raw food diet (vitarianism). This species is based on the nutritional habits of ancient humans. Raw foodists exclude thermal processing of food, explaining this by preserving the nutritional value of products and its more effective effect on the body of a healthy and sick person. However, not all foods, for many reasons, can be consumed raw, and some foods are more effectively absorbed by the body only after heat treatment (eggs, etc.).

Separate nutrition strictly regulates the compatibility and incompatibility of food products. According to this concept, you cannot simultaneously consume protein and carbohydrate-containing foods (meat, fish, milk - with bread, cereals, cereals, etc.). Its founder, American nutritionist Herbert Shelton (1895-1985), explains this by the peculiarities of digestion in the stomach. The author does not take into account other aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of digestion. It is known that the digestion process occurs not only in the stomach, but also in the intestines, and the enzymes of digestive juices ensure the digestion of multi-component food. As for the so-called unfavorable combinations, their impact is greatly exaggerated. The concept of separate meals is not supported by the centuries-old experience of the world's cuisine, which combines the principle of dietary diversity with reasonable food consumption.

Spectacle diet. Its author is Erna Karise from Germany. According to the principles of the spectacle diet, all products are evaluated according to only one criterion - their energy content (calorie content) without taking into account their chemical composition. Each product, depending on its calorie content, has a certain number of points, and the total calorie content of the diet should be 70 points or 2100 kcal (one point is 30 kcal). In the glasses diet, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and alcohol act as interchangeable nutritional factors, which is absurd.

The concept of "living energy". Its supporters are convinced that the body has some special “living” energy, inherent only to a living being. It is transmitted through some substances, structures that cannot be “materialized”. One of the propagandists of this theory is G. Shatalova, who claims that the potential energy contained in food comes from the sun's rays. It is absorbed by plants, which are consumed by animals and humans, as a result of which the energy of the sun is transferred to them.

The concept of “imaginary” drugs. Proponents of this concept find special healing properties in certain products. On this basis, this product is unreasonably extolled and its use is advertised for all diseases without exception and for all people (for example, a passion for sprouted seeds, quail eggs, etc.). The human body is too complex, and it is unlikely that it is possible to significantly influence the coordinated activity of its organs and systems with any one product or substance, even if it contains very useful properties.

The concept of absolute optimality. Proponents of this theory are trying to create the ideal diet

, i.e. discover the composition of the diet and the corresponding formula for the ratio of food products that would be optimal for all aspects of the life of the human body.

Nutrition according to blood groups refers to the concept of differentiated nutrition,

taking into account modern data on the composition of food products and human genotype.

The authors of this diet are P. D'Adamo and his colleagues (2001), who claim that each person should have his own type of diet, which was passed on to us by our distant ancestors along with our blood type.

Thus, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, from whom man is believed to have originated, according to this theory, had blood type 0 (I). They obtained food by hunting and fishing, their digestive system adapted to food rich in animal proteins and low in carbohydrates. Therefore, people with blood type 0(I) cannot do without a daily piece of meat, especially dark meat - beef or lamb, as well as poultry and fish. And they do not have a genetic predisposition to grain products, which entered human food much later.

Group A(II) arose 25-15 thousand years BC, at a time when the hunter began to turn into a tiller, therefore the type of diet for owners of this blood group is vegetarian.

Blood type B(III) appeared approximately 15-10 thousand years BC. Its carriers are descendants of Asian nomadic tribes. A healthy diet for them means a balanced diet, and the diet can combine products of both animal and plant origin.

Blood group AB(IV) is the youngest - it appeared about 1000 years ago. People with this blood type usually have low acidity of gastric juice, so they have difficulty digesting meat. The preferred diet is rice, rye, oats, lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and fish.

The success of differentiated nutrition can only depend on methods for assessing nutritional status in conjunction with metabolic characteristics and environmental factors. Unfortunately, no effective assessment methods have been developed to date.

Questions for self-study:

1. How to calculate the energy value of the daily diet? What does a person's energy expenditure consist of?

2. How to calculate a person's phenotype?

3. What does the energy value coefficient show?

4. What does the digestibility coefficient show?

5. How to calculate theoretical and actual energy values?

6. What is the formula for a balanced diet?

7. What nutritional problems do you know?

8. Define rational nutrition and diet.

9. What is homeostasis?

10. Explain what it means to have a balanced diet and a varied diet.

11. What food groups should be included in a balanced diet?

12. What modern scientific theories and concepts of nutrition do you know?

13. What types of non-traditional nutrition do you know?

Alternative and non-traditional types of nutrition Prof. O.E.Fedortsiv. - presentation

Alternative and non-traditional types of nutrition Prof. O.E. Fedortsiv

Nutritional status of the population of Ukraine * in the majority of children and adults, nutritional disorders have been identified, due to both insufficient consumption of nutrients (primarily vitamins, micro- and macroelements and complete proteins) and their irrational ratio; Over the past few years, there have been persistent disturbances in the nutritional structure of the population.

Scientific research and statistical data indicate a sharp decrease in the consumption of biologically valuable products: meat and meat products by 37%, milk and dairy products by 34.8%, eggs - by 37.5%, fish - by 81%, while at the same time a consistently high level consumption of bakery products, animal fat, leguminous products, potatoes.

hidden hunger is observed due to a deficiency in the diet of vitamins, especially the antioxidant series (A, E, C), macro- and microelements (iodine, iron, calcium, fluorine, selenium); Deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements, and animal protein has become a massive, permanent negative factor.

Non-traditional types of nutrition are those types of nutrition that differ from the principles and methods of nutrition generally accepted in modern medicine for healthy and sick people. These forms of alternative nutrition in the narrow sense of the word are not diets.

Alternative types of nutrition Vegetarianism; Macrobiotic nutrition; Raw food diet; Separate meals; Nutrition in the yoga system; Short-term or long-term complete fasting; Low carb Atkins diet; Cambridge Diet Herbalife and others.

Vegetarianism (from the Latin vegetus - strong, full of strength, vigorous, active) is a diet of products of plant origin, and in a broader sense of the word, it is a way of life that is characterized, first of all, by nutrition that excludes the flesh of all living beings (that is, meat of birds, animals, fish, etc.), refusal of animal products not only for food, but also in everyday life (crafts, leather, glycerin, etc.).

Main types of vegetarian diet Veganism or strict vegetarianism; Lactovegetarianism; Lacto-ovo vegetarianism. There are also voluntary and forced vegetarianism. There are about 1 billion vegetarians in the world.

Reasons for vegetarianism Socio-economic; Religious views; Moral and ethical reasons; Medical reasons.

Strict vegetarianism Eating only plant foods in any culinary preparation. Disadvantages of this diet: - deficiency of complete proteins, vitamins B2, B12, A, D; — the content of calcium, iron, zinc, copper may be quantitatively sufficient, but the absorption of these vitamins with plant foods is low.

Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism Eating plant-based, dairy products and eggs. Such nutrition does not contradict the principles of rational nutrition; Positive aspects: contains high levels of vitamin C, carotenoids, K, Mg, dietary fiber; Disadvantages: Contains higher amounts of fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol than meat products.

Positive aspects of vegetarianism Prevention of atherosclerosis, provided that the diet is supplemented with vitamins and minerals; Part of the complex treatment of gout, renal failure, hepatic encephalopathy. Lactovegetarianism is suitable for summer and elderly people.

Negative consequences of strict vegetarianism Negative consequences of strict vegetarianism With increased needs for calcium, in people of summer age, especially in the postmenopausal period, veganism contributes to the development of osteoporosis; Not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers; It has a negative effect on the body of a sick person, especially after major surgical interventions, injuries, burns, and diseases of the digestive system. Not advisable for heavy physical activity.

Nutritious nutrition is a diet in which the body receives in full all the nutrients it needs for metabolism, and there is no need to monitor this daily; it is enough to adhere to this highest principle for a certain period of time.

Principles of nutritious nutrition Principles of nutritious nutrition All food should be natural; one third of the diet should include fresh foods and two thirds fully processed foods; there should be five small meals; the diet should be dominated by grain products, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, legumes, milk and dairy products, nuts; once a week – eating fish; go without meat at least once a week;

it is necessary to eat only fresh foods or barely stewed ones; fresh foods should always be the first course; for salads, only vegetable oil should be used; Only spices and herbs should be used as spices; You need to drink 2 liters of fluid per day.

Macrobiotic nutrition Macrobiotic nutrition is nutrition that provides for the vital functions of the body through two food bases: yin and yang. This system is based on Japanese food traditions; religious and philosophical principles of Zen Buddhism, Eastern psychosomatic medicine, a number of modern approaches to the prevention of mass non-infectious diseases.

According to this theory, life force is the interaction and struggle of opposites - yang and yin. A person’s physical and mental health is ensured by the balance of yang and yin. When the balance between them is disturbed, diseases occur. The intensity of yin and yang in products is determined by the color of vegetables and fruits, the direction of plant growth, the ratio of sodium and potassium, acids and bases.

According to this nutritional system, to improve health and prevent diseases, it is recommended to consume: animal and poultry meat, animal fats, dairy products, sugar, natural coffee, herbs, spices, refined grain products (fine flour, pasta), industrial products (canned and frozen), kitchen salt. Excluded: alcohol, unnatural products, ice cream, chocolate, soft drinks such as Fanta, Pepsi-Cola, sausages.

Limited to: honey and fruits. Exotic fruits are not recommended for residents of temperate climates: bananas, citrus fruits, pineapples, etc. The basis of nutrition for macrobiotics is grain products: unpolished rice, whole grains of wheat, barley, millet and other cereals, wholemeal products. At least 50-60% of the diet consists of cereal grains prepared in various ways, 1/3 of vegetables should be consumed raw, salted vegetables are allowed.

During cooking, unrefined vegetable oils are recommended; Ready-made dishes are seasoned with sea salt and soy sauce; Nuts, oil seeds, dried fruits are used as snacks; Liquid consumption is limited: green tea made from wild plants and a porridge drink made from cereal grains are recommended among drinks.

Fruits are allowed to be consumed 2-3 times a week, fish - 1-2 times a week, eggs - 1 time a month. A standard macrobiotic diet consists of grains, legumes and vegetables. The essence of the macrobiotic diet levels: animal products, fruits, soups are gradually excluded from the diet, vegetables are limited.

The diet is dominated by unrefined foods, the consumption of animal fats, cholesterol, sugar, and table salt is limited. Negative attitude towards the consumption of fruits, berries, fruit and berry juices, which have a high content of meadow equivalents, namely potassium, and dairy products.

Negative aspects of macrobiotic nutrition Prolonged stay on this diet is harmful to health due to a deficiency of essential amino acids, vitamins A, D, C, B12, folate, calcium, iron, zinc. The result of such nutrition is the development of protein deficiency, hypovitaminosis, and iron deficiency anemia. This diet is especially dangerous for children: it leads to retarded physical development, rickets, iron deficiency anemia, and immunodeficiency states.

Medical significance of macrobiotic nutrition Used for the prevention and treatment of gout, nephrolithiasis with uraturia (Luzhnoe direction); Sharp salt restriction – in patients with hypertension, kidney disease, cardiovascular failure, etc.

Nutrition in the system of yogi teaching The most important principle of yogi nutrition is slow eating with careful chewing: you need to drink solid food and chew liquid; It is not recommended to completely eat the entire desired amount of food, take it 3-4 times a day, the last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime, the frequency of meals depends on the individual habits of the person.

Nutrition is not separated from other components of the yoga-gatga system: psychoregulatory training, peculiar physical exercises (postures or asanas) and controlled breathing. The main goal of this system is to improve health and teach a person to control his body.

Separation of food according to the teachings of yogis Pure food (satvic), which is the most beneficial for the body: wholemeal bread, products made from cereal grains, sprouted grains, vegetables, fruits, berries, legumes, nuts, milk and dairy products, honey, vegetable and butter (corresponds to lacto-vegetarianism); Stimulating (rajasic) foods: meat, fish, eggs, spices, hot seasonings, alcohol, strong coffee, tea, fried and smoked foods.

Unclean food (tamasic), food that was subject to intensive processing, stale, stale (usually meat products). In therapeutic nutrition according to this diet, milk and dairy products, eggs are recommended, and sometimes eating fish is acceptable. Animal and poultry meat is strictly excluded.

Yogis believe: Most diseases are associated with insufficient water consumption (metabolic products accumulate in the body, which negatively affects the functions of organs and systems). It is recommended to drink raw water (from a source or distilled water): 8-10 glasses in winter, and more in summer, drink 0.5-1.0 hours before meals or 0.5-1 hours after meals, gradually, in sips. It is not recommended to drink water during meals.

The daily fluid intake for an adult should be at least 2.5-3 liters. Physical exercise should be carried out 3-4 hours after eating and 30 minutes after drinking liquid. When practicing Gatga yoga once a week, fasting is recommended, during which you should drink glasses of raw water. The next day, it is recommended to eat raw vegetables and fruits, which should be chewed thoroughly and slowly.

Separate nutrition This is a diet in which a person consumes foods that are compatible in chemical composition during meals. According to Shelton's nutrition plan, proper nutrition consists of eating balanced foods, including vegetables and fruits, all grains, and proteins, which should be consumed at certain times to achieve health. All artificial, refined and chemically processed foods (low fat, low cholesterol, lactose free, sugar free) cannot be considered healthy and dietary.

The essence of separate nutrition: 1. proteins and starch, proteins and fats, proteins and sugar, starch and sugar, sour and sweet fruits, sour foods with proteins or starch should be consumed at different times; 2. milk, watermelons and melons are consumed separately from other foods; it is not recommended to drink juices between meals; 3. Avoid eating desserts, especially chilled ones. The main point is the correct combination of drinking products so that the body can easily break them down and absorb them.

Rules for creating a diet for separate meals: you cannot eat carbohydrate and acidic foods at the same time: bread, potatoes, peas, beans, bananas, dates and other carbohydrate foods with lemon, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, tomatoes and other acidic foods; You should not eat protein and carbohydrates at the same meal. Nuts, meat, eggs, cottage cheese and other protein foods are not combined with bread, cereals, potatoes, sweet fruits, and confectionery products.

You should not eat two different proteins at the same time, for example, nuts with meat, eggs with cottage cheese, cottage cheese with nuts. Milk can be consumed only separately from other dishes or not consumed at all; It is not recommended to consume fat and proteins at the same time: cream, butter, vegetable oil with meat, eggs, nuts and other proteins; Do not eat sour fruits with proteins: oranges, lemons, tomatoes, pineapple with meat, eggs, cottage cheese, nuts;

It is not allowed to consume starch-containing foods with sugar at the same time: jellies, jams, fruit and butter, sugar, honey, syrups, molasses with bread or cereals, potatoes, as this causes fermentation in the intestines; You can eat only one starch-containing product at one time; You should not eat melon or watermelon with any other food, they should be taken separately from other meals;

The advantages of separate nutrition due to the rapid movement of compatible products through the digestive canal, fermentation and putrefaction processes do not occur in the body, which reduces intoxication of the body. A minimal amount of undigested food enters the colon; When switching to separate meals, your health improves and your body weight decreases.

Negative aspects of separate nutrition Negative aspects of separate nutrition requires a special lifestyle and willpower; many people find it difficult to get used to separate meals, they feel hungry and do not have satisfaction from eating; according to doctors, such nutrition is an artificial violation of normal digestion, because people have always eaten mixed foods;

if you eat separately for a long time, the digestive organs will forget how to cope with mixed food; for normal absorption of food nutrients, it is necessary to supply all components in the correct ratio, which ensures optimal digestion; the food traditions of the peoples of the world are based on combining different nutrients in a reasonable ratio (for example, the separate consumption of milk is simplified by the national cuisines of many peoples of the world);

Medical indications for separate nutrition Recommended for patients with damage to the digestive organs (atrophic gastritis with reduced secretory function, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, etc.). In this case, the type of heat treatment and the individual tolerance of food products to patients are of great importance.

A raw food diet is a type of nutrition in which plant foods are consumed without prior heat treatment, that is, raw. refers to an extreme version of veganism and is called vitarianism (vita - lat. life). The food is live and not killed by heat treatment.

Rationale for this type of nutrition Raw food contains living energy (solar, cosmic); The raw food diet corresponds to the diet of our ancestors before the advent of fire, so it is natural; all animals consume such food; Vitamins and other biologically active substances are completely preserved in raw products; With prolonged heat treatment of food, it acquires negative properties: carcinogenic, mutagenic and other harmful substances appear. Heat-stable nutrients are destroyed, primarily vitamins.

Within a short period of time, fasting days (raw vegetables and fruits, berries and their juices) are acceptable for healthy people. Such short deviations from the ideal (balanced diet) are not only physiological, but also necessary to support the activity of the digestive system and prevent the development of nutritional diseases.

There are no scientific arguments against this evidence of living energy; scientists believe that man's transition to thermally processed food allowed him to expand his diet and improved the assimilation of food; Protein from raw plant products is less absorbed than from boiled ones; the use of heat treatment of food has reduced the risk of infection and helminth infestation; Raw vegetables, fruits and berries are not sources of all vitamins: they mainly provide the body with vitamin C, carotenoids, they do not have enough folate and vitamin K, few B vitamins, and lack: A, D, B12.

A constant and absolute raw food diet refers to irrational nutrition and cannot be recommended for people who engage in heavy physical labor, athletes, it is strictly contraindicated for children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers; Long-term raw food diet can cause protein-energy deficiency, polyhypovitaminosis, anemia and other diseases.

Fasting as a method of nutrition Complete fasting is the cessation of food intake while maintaining water intake. Absolute fasting is the cessation of food and water intake. Fasting is divided into forced and voluntary.

Reasons for voluntary fasting Behind religious beliefs: complete fasting during Christian fasts; absolute fasting during the daytime fasting month of Ramadan in Islam; Political and social – in case of political and social conflicts; For preventive purposes - performed by healthy people who are convinced of the positive effect of hunger on their health; For therapeutic purposes, in combination with therapy for a number of acute and chronic diseases.

Classification of complete fasting: Short – lasting 1-3 days; Average duration – 5-10 days; Long-term – 2 weeks or more. It is known that the life expectancy of an adult with complete fasting is 61 days. Prolonged fasting for therapeutic purposes is prescribed for days, on average no more than 20.

Rationale for fasting It is believed that fasting allows you to cleanse the body of toxins; Therapeutic fasting helps to mobilize the body's defenses under conditions of stress (hunger), its adaptive compensatory mechanisms; During fasting, the immune and endocrine systems are activated, hyposensitization appears, allergic reactions decrease, and the formation of biogenic stimulators of regenerative processes in tissues increases.

Rules for therapeutic fasting Conducted in hospitals; It is carried out only after cleansing the intestines and stopping taking medications; During fasting, you should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, take warm baths, massage, do breathing exercises, cleansing enemas, and stay in the fresh air; The duration of fasting is determined depending on the general condition of the body; After fasting, refeeding is carried out, the duration of which corresponds to the duration of fasting.

The essence of restorative nutrition is the gradual introduction of certain dishes, foods or drinks into the diet. On the 1st day, you should drink up to 1 liter of fresh vegetable or fruit juices diluted with water, consuming 1 tablespoon frequently throughout the day. The next day you should drink 1-1.5 liters of undiluted juices, 200 ml every 2-3 hours. If juices are poorly tolerated, you should use whey from sour milk, cereal or weak vegetable decoction.

On the 3rd day you need to consume grated apples or carrots (500 g), kefir (0.5 l), juices (0.5 l). Gradually the food ration expands. The number of meals in the first 2 weeks is 5 times a day. From the 2nd week of refeeding, you should take multivitamins.

Indications for short-term fasting Acute pancreatitis; Acute cholecystitis; Acute intestinal obstruction; Cardiac asthma; After surgical interventions on the organs of the digestive canal; For severe gestosis in pregnant women (lasting 1-2 days).

Negative effects on the body of long-term fasting Negative effects on the body of long-term fasting The breakdown products of amino and fatty acids accumulate in the body, glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles are quickly depleted; Biochemical, functional and structural processes are activated; Functionally active proteins decompose, products of incomplete oxidation of proteins and fats accumulate in the blood, metabolic acidosis occurs, minerals are lost, and hypovitaminosis with clinical manifestations develops;

High arterial hypertension, hypoglycemic conditions, psycho-emotional disorders, and in some cases mental disorders may be observed; Cases of death from heart failure from acute gastric bloating due to excessive intake of dense food after fasting have been described;

during prolonged fasting, the formation of digestive enzymes decreases, therefore, during the period of renewed nutrition, it is necessary to very carefully expand the diet, both quantitatively and qualitatively; Therapeutic fasting is indicated as a method of choice in the absence of clinical effect from traditional therapy.

Contraindications to therapeutic fasting Tuberculosis; Malignant neoplasms; Atherosclerosis; Diabetes mellitus, especially insulin-dependent; Thyrotoxicosis; Chronic active hepatitis; Cirrhosis of the liver; Gout; Blood diseases.

Fasting is not recommended for Children; Pregnant women; People with nutritional obesity, since during the period of re-nutrition, body weight is quickly restored even in the case of dietary restrictions.

Thank you for your attention!

Read the abstract on cooking: “Unconventional methods of nutrition” Page 1

Unconventional nutrition is understood as a diet that, to one degree or another, differs from the principles of rational and therapeutic nutrition accepted in modern medicine. Some non-traditional methods of nutrition are perceived incorrectly by the population (therapeutic and prophylactic for some diseases). Basic methods of non-traditional nutrition

Reduced (limited) nutrition and fasting, separate and vegetarian nutrition, raw food diet and macrobiotic nutrition.
Reduced nutrition and fasting
Reduced nutrition is based on recommendations according to which, to maintain health, it is necessary to constantly sharply limit energy consumption (on average 2-3 times compared to physiological norms).
To improve health, voluntary complete fasting is also recommended - stopping food consumption while maintaining water intake. Proponents of reduced nutrition believe that for an adult with normal body weight, an intake of about 1000 kcal is sufficient. and 25-30 g of protein per day. The energy value of such a diet is below the level of basal metabolism for most people. Validity of reduced nutrition:
1. Assimilation by the body of the energy of solar heat from the environment. 2. Adaptation of the body to limited nutrition by reducing energy expenditure. 3. The existence of a special “living” energy that replenishes human energy expenditure. These provisions are scientifically untenable. A person can extract energy from incoming plant and animal products or from their own fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. The assumption that the body receives energy from sunlight and environmental heat does not correspond to scientific data. The human body is capable, to some extent and to a certain limit, of adapting to a reduced diet by reducing energy expenditure. In forcedly malnourished people, the basal metabolism decreases, heat production decreases, and there is a decrease in body temperature with a feeling of constant chilliness. Such a forced restructuring of metabolism, characteristic of a disease (protein-energy deficiency), is unacceptable for most healthy and sick people. In some individuals, in exceptional cases, the need for energy, proteins and other nutrients is hereditarily low. The consequences of long-term, sharply limited nutrition are evidenced by severe manifestations of protein-energy, vitamin and mineral deficiency in patients with anorexia nervosa. They are more convinced of their imaginary fatness and strive to lose weight in any way. Reduced nutrition is a perversion of the correct position of rational nutrition about moderation in food, adequacy of nutrition to the needs of the body. A half-starved diet of reduced nutrition cannot be recommended for most people, as it is detrimental to health. Reduced nutrition is used in the treatment of obesity, coronary artery disease (with high body weight), and diabetes mellitus. Various forms of fasting are known: 1. Long-term (2-4 weeks) abstinence from eating. 2. Periodic (7-10 days) fasting. 3. Systematic fasting days with complete refusal of food during the day. Medicinal

Blood type and nutrition

Blood type diets are based on statistical studies of the tolerability of foods by people with different antigenic spectrums.
Like any recommendations based on average data, they may not be suitable for individual people. Proponents of the theory believe that the dietary preferences of people with different blood types are associated with the historical development of society. So, the first blood group is the most ancient on earth. Once upon a time it flowed in the veins of the Cro-Magnons.

That is why now people with the first blood group are the most active consumers of meat. And the second blood group appeared on earth with the Age of Settlement, so the most suitable diet for representatives of this blood group is vegetarian.

Alternative medicine

Eat more raw food


Living food equals life itself. It is filled with enzymes, vitamins and hundreds of other nutrients that are destroyed by heating, cooking and other food processing. Eating food raw and sprouted gives you an explosive dose of nutrients that can only be rivaled by juices.

Consuming live food brings life back into your body.

• Enzymes are life-giving nutrients found in all foods. Heating and cooking food destroys all enzymes.

• Most vitamins are completely destroyed, or at least their content is greatly reduced by heating and cooking.



Since my son Arthur has been homeschooled, every year as part of our education that we grow food. I have approximately 4 hectares of land that I have dedicated to our organic garden project. We have approximately 100 fruit trees growing on the terraced slope - avocado, orange, lemon, lime, sweet lime, grapefruit, tangerines, kumquat, figs, plums, nectarines, peaches, apricots, date plums, pomegranates, cheramoyas, loquats, apples, pears, olives and even macadamia nuts. On the plain we grow corn, watermelons, squash, potatoes, tomatoes, hot peppers and many other vegetables. We also grow organic herbs to complement American Botanical Pharmacy's needs - echinacea, fennel, rosemary, lavender, tea tree and others. My first thought is that everyone, with a little help from their children, can grow enough food for themselves and their neighbors. Let's not let growing our own food become a lost art, or we'll all be in big trouble.

It's an enlightening experience for my son: composting and recycling, preparing and nourishing the soil, and the fun part - irrigation. A few years ago, he planted just one small sunflower seed, and it grew into a massive plant, 3 meters tall, with a stem as wide as his arm. Looking up at this huge

sunflower, he asked me: “How could this huge plant come from one small seed?” This is a very good question. Well, one big reason is God and Nature and the enzymes inside the seed. He looked at me and said, “Wow, there must be a lot of LIFE inside that seed,” and I couldn’t have said it better myself.

One of my great teachers, the late Dr. Bernard Jensen, among many other things, always insisted that when consuming grapes, apples, watermelons, or almost any food, the seeds should also be chewed and eaten. This great doctor knew that seeds contained life. Isn't it funny that today many fruits are grown seedless - obviously for ease of eating, but not for better nutritional value.


Life energy, life force, enzymes - whatever you want to call it - is something that we seem to have forgotten about. Let's dig a hole and plant a vitamin pill, or a mineral pill, or a hamburger, or a loaf of bread, or any cooked food, and what will happen? Nothing! You can water it, feed it, chant, or even sleep on top of it and absolutely nothing will happen; except that it will start to rot. But plant a small sunflower seed and watch a massive explosion of life occur, you will get something that will be twice your height! Plant raw almonds and you will get a huge tree!

For this reason alone, consuming living, raw food, food filled with this life force, life energy, enzymes and plant phytochemicals that create growth and life, nourishes your body much more powerfully than any cooked food.

Some boring scientist might laugh and say it's just genetics, but then what fuels genetics? These are the same scientists who think they are so smart and have come so far, but I would like to see how even one of them could synthesize even a pea in the laboratory. They may end up with some kind of brown jelly that they claim contains exactly the same elements and nutrients as a pea, but what happens if you plant this stuff in the ground? You won't get any more peas, SOMETHING IS MISSING, and that missing factor is life energy, life force, enzymes, god, nature, phytochemicals or whatever name you can give it.

So, what's my conclusion? LIVE FOOD CREATES LIFE, so EAT MORE LIVE, RAW FOOD.

If the last step, step #3 - becoming a vegetarian, was too big a leap for you, then don't force yourself to eat raw foods too quickly. A great way to ensure your success in any program, especially one like the one in this book that will last a lifetime, is to take slow, wide, easy, big turns. If you suddenly rush from a fully formed carnivorous predator quickly into fruitarianism, then there is a great chance that tomorrow you will add bacon to your morning drink. You have changed too quickly. Come on, by now you should already know your ability to change - which changes are real and which will not last long. Don't lie to yourself.

So, if this type of food program is very different from your current one, is foreign to you and completely new, just be a vegetarian for now, as discussed in the last chapter.

It makes no difference to me whether you eat raw or live food normally now. Just drinking your morning SuperFood drink gives you plenty of live, raw, enzyme-rich food and nutrition, so take it easy. Eat whatever you want as long as it's vegetarian.

Over time, as you feel more comfortable not consuming meat, I want you to add more live and raw foods into your life. When you stabilize, add more live food. When you start to feel better about your food program, eat more live food.

Start adding some raw grated beets, or raw carrots, or raw cabbage, or all three, to your cooked vegetarian lunch. Please add some herbs, garlic, raw organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar, and some extra-virgin extra virgin olive oil. This will make everything taste better. Soon you will be adding so much life and living food to your body that you will not believe the amount of energy you will have. Just by consuming your morning drink every day, which I described in the last chapter, and adding some live food to your lunch and dinner, your level of health, your world will change by the amount of what you DO NOT put in your mouth and what you eat.

Besides eating raw fruits and vegetables, you can soak and grow any grains, beans, seeds or nuts. This will make them more digestible and begin the enzymatic action. If you need more inspiration and recipes, there are many books available on the market on raw food eating and cutting out cooked foods. A few of my favorites:

1. John Robbins - for general information, not necessarily recipes.

2. “Light Eating for Survival” by Maria Acciardo. An old book, but I just love it. I used to give it to every patient to read. Good, simple recipes.


Many years ago, when Dr. John Christopher was still alive, he came to Los Angeles to speak at a very large nutrition convention. In his time, he was one of several health speakers, like Dr. Bernard Jensen, who literally attracted thousands and thousands of people. Of course, he had great teachers and good education in his respective field, but his ability to attract huge crowds of people was simply that he helped thousands and thousands of people across America heal their illnesses using natural healing and herbal remedies. He was a respected man, an authority! Often hundreds of people literally panicked, fought and climbed on each other to be near him. several times the situation was quite tough, so I was not only his student and senior teacher in his

School of Natural Healing in Utah, but due to my extensive martial arts experience, I was also his bodyguard on occasion.

Since I lived near Los Angeles, I had to pick him and his son up at the airport and take him to this nutrition convention where he was the guest of honor and featured speaker. Most of the meetings he spoke at were on health rather than food topics, but like me, he went almost anywhere he was asked by people who wanted to hear his healing message.

We were a few hours early for this meeting, so he wanted to walk around and look at all the booths that represented the major food companies of that era and also sold their products. The booths were filled with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids - all in tablet and powder form, with the brightest, shiniest labels, and sharp, well-dressed sales people. Obviously, the main reason for holding a meeting of this nature is to expose your food products to the industry, health food store owners, consumers and buyers. And, of course, take orders and sell them as much as possible.

It was time for Dr. Christopher's speech, the very large meeting room was already packed, and a lot of people were now a little mad that Dr. Christopher was on the podium, and that they didn't have a seat - so, they were pushing and shoving at every door doorway

Dr. Christopher, wearing his usual 3-piece wool suit (at a time when polyester was king), white shirt, tie, gold chain watch and extremely polished shoes, was introduced and walked a few steps to the podium. The crowd rose to its feet and erupted into deafening cheers, cheers and applause. He cleared his throat and said (since it was about 25 years ago and in a very intense moment, I am telling you what he said to the best of my memory): “Good afternoon, and thank you for inviting me to speak here today” (he was always a very polite person). After about a minute or so, he said, “While I was walking around this wonderful and very large conference room today, I met some very nice people. I also saw a lot of different products, but the only problem is that everything I saw in every booth and on every table…. DEAD!” When he shouted “DEAD,” he struck the podium with his fist, and, amplified by the microphone, the sound of the impact reverberated throughout this huge room.

Mom dear! I was shocked, as were thousands and thousands of people in the room and outside it, and for what seemed like two seconds, you could hear a pin drop in that huge room. There was dead silence in her. I moved very quickly towards the podium, like a Secret Service agent blocking a shot at the President. The people in the room began to grumble, and as I remember it, grand old Dr. Christopher was unfazed and began to continue his enlightening lecture. At that moment, I believe, someone jumped up on stage, said thank you very much, gently put his arm around the doctor's neck, quickly changed the subject, started saying something else, and with the help of others, escorted the doctor off the stage.

I thought he had made a mistake and forgotten where he was, or pulled out the wrong speech cards for the next city and the next convention, but he knew exactly where he was, knew exactly what he was doing and what he was saying. Later that day he said something to me like, “Well, someone had to tell them that, so I figured it might be me.”

Since that day, I and many others have been banned from speaking at this particular nutrient convention, solely because of my association with the great Dr. Christopher, and I am very proud of this “charge by association.”


In the clinic, and during my own healing, I learned that garlic is truly a wonderful plant. If I were limited to just a handful of herbs, garlic, cayenne, lobelia and aloe would be at the top of the list - in that order!

For strong health, start adding raw garlic to your nutritional program. Take your time - cut small pieces of it first and mix them into your food. In no time, you will probably become a garlic addict like me and start eating large quantities of it. When I cook, really heat and cook food, I add 4 - 6 CLOWS or approximately 100 cloves of garlic to the curry sauce or paste I make for 3-4 people. When cooking with garlic, don't be a wimp. Heat destroys much of the flavor, intensity, and medicinal effect of garlic, so always use plenty of it if you're going to cook your garlic. When visiting Los Angeles or San Francisco, try eating at Stinking Rose to see some of the garlic cuisine options.

But since it is my favorite medicinal herb, and also one of my favorite foods, I would like to tell you a little more about its medicinal power. This may encourage you to add more of this wonderful, amazing and healing plant into your life.

An excellent therapeutic dose is at least 3 cloves of FRESH, RAW garlic every day.

Garlic, known botanically as "Allium sativum", is, of course, one of nature's wonder plants. He has been worshiped since the beginning of recorded history for his abilities to heal and strengthen the body. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all used garlic in copious amounts to increase strength and fight disease and infection. Hippocrates, the so-called “Father” of modern medicine, was actually an herbalist and natural healer. He used garlic to specifically treat cancer. As early as World War I, when sulfur preparations were used on battle wounds, the British government used garlic in military hospitals in cases where there was a shortage. He is credited with saving thousands of lives. It was used in various preparations to disinfect and heal battle wounds, and was also used internally to successfully treat typhoid fever and dysentery.

Today, garlic is the main medicine in many European and Asian countries.
It is an official drug in many countries, prescribed by physicians outside the United States for many ailments, especially hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, cancer, and especially as a broad-spectrum antibiotic, antiviral agent, and fungicide. Garlic was removed from medical use in the United States over the past century not because of its inability to heal, but because of pressure on doctors from the AMA (American Medical Association) and pharmaceutical companies. For years, the pharmaceutical industry and the American Medical Association have tried to discourage the public from using plants to heal themselves, effectively discouraging any home treatment or self-medication for illness in order to make you more dependent on doctors and medications. It seems that not even the heavy fist of these two groups and the trillions of dollars a year they demand can keep the garlic “underground” any longer. We also recommend:

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Non-traditional products

Don’t be nervous, I’m comparing))))) let’s see what’s written here….

It is stupid to condemn yourself to starvation just because the food around you has an unusual look, taste and smell. You can allow yourself to wince in disgust at the sight of a worm crawling out of an apple, but only at home, and not in an emergency situation.

What non-traditional foods can you use while camping?

If you are faced with a situation where you run out of food on a hike, you should pay attention to non-traditional food products.

Perhaps they will taste unusual or have a strange smell, but is this critical when it comes to survival? In an emergency situation, it is unacceptable to refuse food that is not very aesthetically pleasing - disgust is inappropriate here.

Many peoples ate all kinds of insects without any disgust. Thus, the Eskimos ate raw larvae of reindeer gadflies, which were taken from the skins of freshly killed animals. The Chukchi ate moss, which they took from the stomachs of killed deer.

If we talk about larger prey, for example, snakes can be eaten.

When hunting them you need to be extremely careful. They catch snakes with a stick that is forked at the end. The snake's head is pressed to the ground and cut off with a knife. You can also catch snakes by shooting with a bow or slingshot. Small snakes are eaten in this way: the head with glands is cut off, and the skin is removed from head to tail along with the entrails.

Large snakes can be decapitated and gutted by opening the belly from head to tail and skinned by roasting over hot coals.

Lizards can also be used as food. Their leg and back muscles are considered the most delicious. All snakes and lizards accumulate fat reserves in the summer and autumn, which can also be fried. Frogs, as is known, are not eaten whole, but only their hind legs, but in extreme conditions they can be eaten completely, removing the head and entrails.

You can also eat swamp or desert turtles. They can be cooked directly in the shell, coated with clay and placed on hot coals. Or cook in boiling water until the shell comes away from the meat.

Shellfish are great to eat. They can be caught in various bodies of water.

Birds are definitely a great option for camp cooking. Any wild birds are suitable for food. In Germany and France, crows and jackdaws were considered a delicacy, and the Chinese loved eagle owls and storks.

You should not feed on carrion birds, as they can carry various infections or parasites.

Rats can also be used for food. Their meat is quite edible, and if cooked correctly, they can even be delicious. Rats can carry diseases, so bites should be avoided.

Hedgehogs can be used as food. They are best cooked in clay. To do this, the gutted carcass is coated with clay and placed in a fire; after cooking, the needles are separated along with the clay.

Grasshoppers, caterpillars, and ants can also be consumed. Moreover, most of them are eaten raw.

In any case, if you are left without food on a hike, you can survive by eating non-standard types of food. It could even be an interesting adventure.

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