Instructions on how to use a compass in the forest without maps

Definitions of “northern, southern, eastern, western”

If you want to turn the noun “north” into the adjective “northern,” then nothing changes.

  • North wind - north wind.

The same applies to compound adjectives “north-eastern”, for example.

  • North-east wind - northeast wind

Please note: when writing compound adjectives, they can be written with a hyphen or merged: north-west=northwest, south-east=southeast.

Suggestions on the topic of cardinal directions in English

  • In the south, the situation has remained generally calm. – In the south of the country the situation generally remains calm.
  • Only in this way is it possible to build a stable and prosperous world, no matter from which point of the compass one is looking. – This is the only way to build a stable and prosperous world, regardless of which side of the world you look at it from.
  • For last years the Earth 4 times changed the position in space and an arrangement of the parties of light. – Over the past years, the Earth has changed its position in space and the location of the cardinal directions 4 times.
  • You've been helpful in this place, I don't know east from west. “You help me a lot, I don’t know where is west and where is east.”
  • My reasons for going to the Orient are purely scientific, if I ever get there. – I go to the East solely for scientific purposes, if I go there at all.
  • The caravan was going to the west. – The caravan was moving west.
  • The island is divided by a mountain range running west to east. – The island is divided by a mountain range from west to east.

Now you know what the cardinal directions are called in English, how to create an adjective from them and where to use them in a sentence. To consolidate the result, it is important to use new words in conversation as often as possible. Good luck!

What does the letter n mean on a compass. North, south, west, east: how to determine the direction

Main directions (north, south, west, east).

The directions north and south are determined by the Earth's poles, and east and west (related to the rotation of the planet around its axis) by the visible sunrise and sunset of the heavenly bodies. Since ancient times, people have determined the approximate southern direction by the position of the sun at its zenith, the eastern direction by the place of its sunrise, and the western direction by the place of sunset; the northern direction (in the Northern Hemisphere) was determined by the North Star. On modern geographical maps, the north side is usually at the top: in this case, the south is at the bottom, the west is on the left, and the east is on the right. On ancient, and sometimes modern maps, south or east could be placed at the top. On star maps, east and west are swapped [ ]: the map “appears” to be located not under

, but
the observer.

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When orienting a person in space, the principle of four sides is also used: “in front”, “behind”, “left”, “right”. In this case, the directions are not fixed and are chosen relative to the person himself.

The principle of fourfoldness is reflected in folklore, customs, and religious rituals of many peoples, including Slavic ones:

  • “go to all four directions”;
  • Trypillian four-part altars were precisely oriented with their four crosses to the cardinal points, even if this direction diverged from the orientation of the walls of the house, etc.

In addition to dividing the circle into four directions - north, south, west, east - as orientation problems developed, additional divisions with intermediate directions were introduced: northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast; There are now eight directions in total. Later, the following intermediate divisions were introduced: north-northwest, west-northwest, etc., bringing the number of directions to 16. After another division into intermediate directions, this process was completed with the introduction of 32 directions.

Practical recommendations for using a compass

There are several tricks that may be useful when you need to use a compass.

  • If there is no large enough landmark nearby, then you can select temporary small objects. But in this case, the coordinates will need to be recorded. When moving backwards, you should move sequentially from one to the other.
  • The most common mistake made by beginners is rotating the compass body in cases when you should turn yourself.
  • The arrow should rotate easily; there is no need to shake the device or try to tilt it. In this case, it may lead to a completely different place than planned.
  • You should be careful and remember that the arrow points to the magnetic pole of the Earth, and not to the geographic one, and therefore it is advisable to additionally check the map of the area.
  • In areas where there are iron ore deposits, the compass may behave strangely, for example, rotate chaotically, showing north in different directions. In this case, the main thing is not to panic and try to move some distance away, repeating the attempt to determine the location.

These tips will help you use the compass correctly and avoid the most common mistakes.


To designate the cardinal directions, 4 Latin letters are often used: N, S, E, W, (which corresponds to the first letters of the names of the cardinal directions in English - North, South, East, West), or S, Yu, E, W (which corresponds to the first letters of the names of the cardinal directions in Russian - North, South, East, West.

This article will help you learn how to use a compass in the forest, but first you can test the principle of the compass in your apartment.

First of all, you need to take the compass in your hands and set it in a horizontal position relative to the ground.

Now take a look at the compass itself. Its arrow is usually fixed with a special lever; some compasses have it on the side; pull back the lever. The arrow will immediately begin to rotate, but literally after a couple of seconds it will stop.

It is precisely at the moment when the compass needle stops rotating that you can safely take readings. In order to determine which side of the world is located, you need to slowly turn the compass, thereby aligning the letter you need with the blue end of the compass needle.

Designation of letters on a compass

Not all compasses have letters indicating cardinal directions written in Russian. There are models where English letters are used. N (Nord) – North S (Sud) – South O (Ost) – East W (West) – West

In cartography and geography, the concept of cardinal directions has long existed. They are necessary to determine directions on the ground and on the map, are used in construction, in transport, and help in other activities. How to determine where east is? Let's find out what the sides of the horizon are and how to navigate along them.

What does a compass look like and what parts does it consist of?

The simplest compass is a magnetic needle that rotates freely on an axis. Have you ever tried to bring two magnets close to each other? On one side they repel, and on the other they attract. A compass works in exactly the same way. The role of one magnet is a magnetized arrow, and the role of the second is the planet Earth! Therefore, the compass needle always points to the North. There is also a liquid compass. It works in exactly the same way, it’s just that the arrow does not rest on the axis, but floats in the liquid. The viscous liquid allows you to avoid constant oscillations of the needle if you are trying to use the compass in shaking conditions (for example, in a moving vehicle).

Using a compass, you can determine the location of the cardinal points, but this is clearly not enough for hiking in other directions, therefore, in addition to the arrow, there are other parts in the design of the device . The compass is housed in a round plastic case with a transparent top, through which a dial with divisions . To protect the fragile glass, some compasses have a cover. In hiking conditions, it can be difficult to find such a small but necessary device in a huge backpack, and the designers took care of tourists by providing it with a strap for wearing on the hand. On the side surface you can see a small metal plate; this is a brake , which secures the arrow in a stationary position. On the movable upper part there is a sighting device - two protrusions, one with a slot, the other with a front sight.

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Main directions

In ancient times, man learned to determine his position on the ground, noticing that every day the Sun rises from the horizon in the east, and sets in the evening in the west. The ability to navigate helped our ancestors find their way home, hunt, and cultivate plants. The principle of dividing space into parts was an important stage in man's study of the surrounding world. The main cardinal directions received their current names in ancient times (north, south, west, east). Over time, instruments for observing the Sun and planets and measuring devices became more advanced. Scientists have found that the North and South geographic poles are two opposite points at which the surface of our planet is crossed by an imaginary line - the earth's axis.

Let's determine where is north, south, west, east?

The directions to the east and west are associated with one of the movements of the Earth - rotation around its axis. The sun appears from behind the horizon in the east in the morning, reaches its zenith in the afternoon, moves to the other side of the sky in the evening and sets in the west. There are differences in the position of the Sun at different latitudes due to the tilt of the earth's axis. At noon at the equator, the luminary is located directly overhead. In winter in the Northern Hemisphere it shifts to the south, in summer - to the north. In summer, the sunrise can be observed in the southwest, in winter - in the southeast. In polar and subpolar latitudes, the polar night lasts for six months; the sun does not rise above the horizon. And when the Sun does not set for six months of the year, it comes. In the northern region there is a magnetic pole, towards which the compass needle turns. On the opposite side of the planet is the southernmost continent - Antarctica. You can determine directions, if one of them is known, using a simple method. You need to stand so that your face is facing north. Then the south will be behind your back, the west will be on your left, and the east will be on your right.

This is interesting: What directions can you determine with a compass needle?

The relative position of the main and intermediate sides of the horizon

There are main directions - north, south, west, east - which are supplemented by intermediate ones. This division is very convenient; it allows you to more accurately determine the location on the ground, find objects on maps and topographic plans. For example, northeast is the side of the horizon located between the direction of north and east. On maps, plans, dials, in textbooks, reference books, designations are introduced using the first letter of the Russian or Latin name. There is a more detailed division of the sides of the horizon. Thus, between the directions from and north to east there are north-northeast (neast) and east-northeast (east).

How to use a map using a compass?

The map is used in unfamiliar areas to easily find the path to the goal. You can also mark your path on it so that you can return along it.

• The card is positioned level with the ground.

• Draw a line from the starting point to the finish of the journey. Place the device on the map, the edge touches the drawn line.

• Turn the device so that the blue end of the pointer hits the north value on the map. It is important not to get confused. This designation is called geographic north.

• Afterwards, they look at the value of the travel azimuth and record the readings.

Cardinal directions on plans, maps and globe

In the old days, sailors and travelers were guided by maps on which north could be at the bottom and south at the top. Knowledge about the Earth's surface was imperfect; many geographers made mistakes when plotting objects on plans and maps. There were so-called “white spots” - unexplored areas. As a rule, on modern geographical plans and maps, north is at the top, south is at the bottom, west is on the left, and east is on the right.

The same principle was used to create the globe. Its upper half is the Northern Hemisphere, the lower half is the Southern Hemisphere. To the left of the prime meridian is the Western Hemisphere, to the right is the Eastern Hemisphere. The place where the ball is attached to the stand is the South Pole, the opposite point is the North Pole. It is easy to find any geographical object if its coordinates are known. North, south, west, east are the main directions, as well as on the globe. Continents, oceans, plains, mountains, seas, cities and other geographical objects that are located above the equator have a northern latitude, and below the 0° parallel have a southern latitude. Objects to the left of the prime meridian have western longitude, while those to the right have eastern longitude.

Compass and map

Travelers who are far from people and civilization really need skills that allow them to navigate using a map with a compass in order to avoid deviations from the route. Experienced tourists always first study their route on the map in order to calculate the forward and reverse azimuth, and record the data. For such calculations you will need a map of the area you need, a pencil, a ruler and, of course, a compass. Now we will understand why.

IMPORTANT: Having images and photographs of maps in your gadgets will help solve the problem of the lack of a paper version.

But the availability of pictures should also be in airplane mode.

  1. All important points of the route that is planned to be covered are marked with a pencil on a horizontally laid out map, and the end of the route is indicated.
  2. By placing the compass on the map, the arrow is released. The cardinal directions are again available on the compass.
  3. Next, you need to align the colored end of the arrow with the letter N (north) on the limb.
  4. The map is rotated so that the north mark on it coincides with the north on the compass.
  5. The ruler is applied in such a way that the line from it coincides with the first indicated waypoint and the middle of the dial. By applying it like this, we calculate the angle between the ruler and north. We calculate it in degrees. The value is recorded. Now the reverse azimuth is also found and recorded.
  6. The same must be done with other points along the entire route, ending with the final point. The values ​​of all segments of your route must be recorded.
  7. Be sure to check your compass throughout your journey.
  8. They return using the already calculated return azimuth.

If you calculate your route this way, then you don’t have to worry at all - you will never get lost. The compass will not allow you to go astray.

Compass is a device used to determine directions.

A device equipped with a two-color magnetic needle helps you find the sides of the horizon and navigate the terrain. It usually rotates freely in the center of the round body. The device used to determine directions is a compass. North, south, west, east are indicated by letters on the scale of this device. The red point facing the "C" or "N" mark indicates north. The opposite part of the arrow points south. To the left of this axis is west, to the right is east. Inside the compass there is a scale with numbers from 0 to 360°, arranged clockwise. The division price may vary from device to device. Using a compass allows you to:

A compass is necessary for representatives of many professions - sailors, pilots, military personnel, builders, geologists, as well as tourists and travelers. There are different types of this device that help you navigate along the lines of the Earth's magnetic field.

How to make a compass with your own hands?

You can disassemble how a compass works in practice and make it yourself.

Any small object with a sharp end (pin, hairpin or sewing needle) is suitable for a compass pointer. The magnet is passed back and forth along the selected object many times, for a long-lasting magnetization effect - at least 50 times. If a magnet is not available, use fabric. Wool or silk will do the job perfectly, but it will take longer to rub.

Take a container of water. The magnetized object is fixed on a floating material (foam, cork) of small width (a couple of centimeters is enough). The needle is inserted horizontally into the material and allowed to float freely in a container of water. The needle will point north.

The error of such a compass is higher than that of a conventional one. It is better to use in calm water and without wind.

Directions on the ground (north, south, west, east)

You can determine your location by celestial bodies, natural phenomena and signs of nearby objects. At noon, when the Sun is in the south, shadows from vertically located objects are directed with their apex to the north. At night you need to try to find the North Star. The two extreme bright points of the Big Dipper, forming the wall of the Big Dipper, are called the Pointers. A straight line drawn through them rests directly on the North Star. It is located in the northern half of the sky and belongs to the constellation Ursa Minor.

A good helper for those who get lost is a wristwatch. To find out the direction, turn the arrow towards the Sun. An angle is formed between the line leading to the number 1 (13.00 hours), which is divided in half and a bisector is obtained (it points to the south). Orientation by local signs:

  • on the northern side of the trees there is a thicker layer of lichens and mosses;
  • drier soil under rocks facing south;
  • In winter, on the north side the snow remains loose longer;
  • anthills are more often located to the south of hills, trees, stones;
  • the clearings that divide the forest into quarters are oriented from east to west and from north to south (their serial numbers are marked on pillars, starting from north-west and south-east).

Each method has an error, which must be taken into account on the ground. It is better to use several methods, then the result will be more accurate.

Although progress spoils humanity with digital navigation methods, the classic compass with a magnetized needle is still in demand and reliable. Its operation does not require power, the presence of a satellite or a cell tower, so its needle is always able to point to the north magnetic meridian with its marked tip, while the other will point accordingly to the south.

The location of the cardinal directions is marked on the dial of the device, which helps you navigate if there is no magnetic interference. You just need to figure out what the directions on the compass are designated.

When orienting, you should always take into account that the directions shown by the compass do not completely coincide with the geographical ones, because the magnetized needle tends to be located along the magnetic meridian, indicating the geomagnetic poles of the planet, which are not identical to the geographical ones. This error in the cardinal directions on the compass has the definition of “magnetic declination”, which does not have a constant value.

How to find cardinal directions using a compass

The design of the compass is simple and ingenious - a magnetized needle, enclosed in a housing under a transparent cover in the center of the dial (dial), when released from the brake, will indicate the north pole with its north tail, and the south pole with its south tail. The dial is marked with letters indicating the cardinal directions. If the device is domestic, then the letters will be Russian, but if the device is not made here, then the letters will be Latin, according to international designations.

This is interesting: How many kilometers are in one degree of latitude?

The dial has a circular scale equal to 360º, divided by four equal sectors, increasing clockwise. The scale step size may be different for each individual device, but in any case, each of the cardinal directions is indicated by certain degrees:

Determining the cardinal directions by the device is quite simple, but in order for the device to indicate the true direction, a number of simple rules must be followed.

  • The device must take a strictly horizontal position - for this it is either placed on a flat surface or held with an open palm, just below chest level.
  • There should be no magnetic interference nearby - power lines, railway tracks, accumulations of metal, other magnets, otherwise the arrow will point in the wrong direction.
  • As soon as the compass takes the correct position, you need to release the arrester, which plays the role of a stopper or brake.
  • The released arrow, swaying, will take a confident position when the specially designated northern tail indicates north, and the opposite one indicates south.
  • Now you need to align the tails of the arrow with the cardinal directions marked on the limb.

In order to identify a route on the ground, you need to select the required direction of the path corresponding to the desired part of the map.

Designations on the compass cardinal directions

For the cardinal directions, international designations are accepted in letters on the compass, understandable to any population of the globe, but Russian-language designations are also possible.

  • The northern direction is indicated by the Latin N (north) or Russian S (north).
  • The southern direction is represented by the Latin S (south) or our Yu (south).
  • The eastern direction is marked with the Latin letter E (east) or the Russian letter B (east).
  • The western direction corresponds to the Latin letter W (west) or our Z (west).

In a clockwise direction it will look like this: at the top – N or C, further on the right side of the dial – E or B, at the bottom – S or Yu, on the left – W or Z.

The cardinal directions for both the map and globe, and for the compass and terrain, will be located the same:

  • if you stand facing north, the north pole will be straight ahead;
  • the south pole is behind;
  • east direction - on the right hand;
  • West - on the left hand.


Due to the presence of magnetic declination, the compass does not show directions accurately!


So, first of all, let's figure out what types of this device exist:

  • Adrianov's compass. A typical Soviet device, most likely familiar to each of you. The arrow indicators, front sight and cardinal directions are illuminated in the dark. By the way, an interesting fact: radioactive elements were used in the production of the previous generation copies. Therefore, old devices may well be unsafe for health. The disadvantages of this device include the fact that the magnetic needle is very unstable when moving.
  • Liquid compasses. As the name suggests, there is liquid inside the device. Kerosene is most often used. Due to this, the arrow is more stable when moving.
  • Tablet compasses. In addition to the standard elements, there is also a magnifying glass and a small ruler with a pointer. Such a device can help you navigate the map.

Important point. As soon as you have bought yourself a device (especially if it is Chinese and inexpensive), be sure to check its performance. First, check whether the direction of the magnetic needle of your device corresponds to geographic north. If everything is fine, then bring any metal object to it. The arrow should deviate. Then remove it. If it returns to its original position without any changes, then everything is fine. Enjoy!

Compass error - magnetic declination

Considering that the device will indicate the geographical cardinal directions, in fact they will be slightly shifted by a certain amount in degrees. Since the power and geographic poles of our planet do not coincide, it is necessary to make corrections when accurately calculating the azimuth before the upcoming long route. If the path ahead is not too long, and the declination does not exceed 10º, then you can do without corrections.

  • Magnetic declination is usually indicated outside the map fields for a specific area.
  • If there is none, it can be found in the reference book - magnetic observatories constantly report information about the value in degrees of magnetic declination characteristic of a certain area.
  • There is an eastern declination, when the device's needle deviates from the north geographic pole towards the east, and a western declination, when the arrow deviates to the west.


The eastern declination is indicated by a plus (+), and the western declination by a minus (-). Correction for its value, calculated using the device, will help determine the true directions of the cardinal points.

When is a compass better than a navigator?

New gadgets are invented and released for sale every day. One of these fashionable devices is GPS navigators . It contains a map and route planning function. Communication with the satellite allows you to accurately determine the location of the traveler and accompanies him throughout the entire route.

The main disadvantage of this gadget is the battery. It may shrink or break unexpectedly. In this case, the tourist will not be able to obtain any data about his location.

The GPS navigator includes a map and route planning function.

It’s easier in this regard with a tourist compass and a geographical map. They do not depend on the battery capacity, and the needle readings are accurate in nature.

It is important to remember to keep the device away from electronics, magnets and metals. The only difficulty is knowing the rules for reading a map, the basics of drawing a route and the rules for using a compass.

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