The best cars for survival: how to survive the race

The question of whether the world will end on December 21, 2012, and how to prepare for it, worries many curious people. We have already experienced more than one such “apocalypse” and are accustomed to such children’s horror stories without experiencing primitive horror. And yet, how to prepare for the end of the world (in whatever form it appears) if you are a motorist?

We, lovers of cars, unusual cars and special equipment, are interested in the general question of survival in a post-apocalyptic world - without communications and electricity, with destroyed infrastructure, without centralized power and economic basis.

Let's consider a situation where the joke about the Mayan calendar and the Tibetan monk's predictions about December 21, 2012 would actually somehow come true - for example, in the event of a global catastrophe of natural or man-made origin. Of course, one of the first critical questions that will need to be addressed is what machines are needed to survive?

A global epidemic of a supervirus or a banal zombie invasion (and in a destroyed, hungry world, people will become like zombies) will turn our comfortable life into a fierce struggle for survival. In the very first days after the disaster, food resources, weapons and remaining fuel will become the target of hunting by both lonely stalkers and family clans, and organized paramilitary and robber formations. Which cars in the review from will be the best choice in an emergency, what will the end of the world and cars look like?

Motorcycle in Mad Max style

The initial advantage will be given to those who are mobile, fast and ubiquitous. A Mad Max-style motorcycle is perfect for this, on which it is very convenient to carry out inconspicuous reconnaissance raids in order to collect information about the situation in the surrounding areas, as well as carry out predatory raids on small shops, and quickly leave, out of reach of pursuit.

High-speed amphibious quad bike QUAD-SKI

Rivers and large lakes will become popular places to replenish drinking water and provisions. In such areas, the QUAD-SKI high-speed amphibious quad bike, which is capable of delivering 80 km/h both on land and on water, will be very useful. The amphibious ATV transforms from a land vehicle into a waterfowl (and vice versa) in a matter of seconds, which will allow it not to be afraid of pursuers and to visit places inaccessible to cars and boats.

The Verge: The Russians have assembled the perfect survival machine (video)

A video about the Russian all-terrain vehicle "Sherp" is rapidly gaining popularity on the Internet. After publication on the Jalopnik 9 blog, the press began writing about the all-terrain vehicle: the video was widely distributed on the English-speaking Internet, and publications from Business Insider, the Daily Mail, and other media outlets covered the vehicle. “ Some Russians have assembled the perfect machine for surviving the Apocalypse

", wrote The Verge. The all-terrain vehicle, whose production began in 2020, received patented tubeless ultra-low pressure tires and a special wheel inflation system, as well as a turning mechanism with clutches and a separate disc brake of increased reliability. The features of the fuel system allow the all-terrain vehicle to be operated for a long time without fuel starvation at critical tilt angles.

“The project began emotionally - because of the investor’s attachment to fishing and hunting.
Garagashyan’s all-terrain vehicle fell into his hands, this was four years ago. The all-terrain vehicle had characteristics that no similar foreign vehicle had at that time,” said Sergei Samokhvalov, head of the Sherp project, in an interview with The Garagashyan he mentioned is the inventor-enthusiast Alexey Garagashyan. Based on his developments, the “Sherp” was created, which, judging by the description on the official website, “ swims perfectly, comes out of the water onto the ice, and easily overcomes obstacles 70 centimeters high, be it stones or fallen trees in the forest.”


The main feature of the Sherpa is the “pneumatic circulatory” suspension, Garagashyan’s own invention.
All tires are connected by air channels with a variable cross-section, which can be adjusted until sealed. When one tire hits an obstacle, the pressure is distributed evenly across all wheels, allowing them to deform more. The all-terrain vehicle is equipped with a 1.5-liter diesel engine from the Japanese company Kubota, producing 44 horsepower, and a five-speed manual transmission with a Sachs clutch. The maximum speed of movement on land is 45 kilometers per hour, and on water – six kilometers per hour. The stated fuel consumption is from two to three liters per hour. The clearance of the Sherpa is 600 millimeters. The carrying capacity of the two-seater all-terrain vehicle is 1000 kilograms, and it weighs 1300 kilograms.

The list of standard equipment of the car includes an awning, halogen headlights, a 58-liter fuel tank, seat belts and a safety bar, fittings for draining water from the body and a parking brake. The top version “Sherpa” is valued at 4 million 100 thousand rubles. The price includes a warm kung with an upward-opening door equipped with a shock absorber and a convertible interior with soft upholstery.

The car is sold in two basic trim levels: $49,000 and $52,000. Various additional options are also available. Samokhvalov said that the first production car was released in June 2020, and he estimated sales volume during this time at “several dozen units.”

Flying car PAL-V

We already control land and water. But it is very important to have up-to-date operational reports on the situation as a whole. To do this, you simply need an all-seeing eye at a high altitude. The PAL-V flying car is capable of taking off into the air from a section of road no more than 50 meters long. Now you can not only obtain information about the actions of other groups hundreds of kilometers around, but also coordinate the actions of your mobile units, as well as take on board cargo weighing 400 kg.

Lantern for "Survivalist", with a strange design :)

Impulsiveness is one of the “troubles” of women, so I think, why did I pay so much money?:) The lantern is not bad, but expensive, it's a pest! My friends and I often go hiking in the mountains, they all have “cool” flashlights, only I had an Ultrafire for $3. It's a shame! I’ve seen all sorts of convoys, but many people here have them, but there certainly won’t be anything like this. I bought it, and I will say right away, the lantern is good, it shines brightly, it sits comfortably in my hand, but it is not very beautiful, and the pre -rest!

The kit includes the flashlight itself, a car charger with two USB ports, which also serves as a glass breaker and a belt cutter, two attachments, orange and white, and a USB extension cord.

Automatic charger-glass breaker-belt cutter, plugs into the flashlight at the back, and can be detached if necessary. It is made of aluminum and the tip is made of steel.

Both ports can supply up to 2.1A each, this is just the marking for Apple devices.

The flashlight itself fits well and tightly in the hand.


Determine the brand of the diode yourself, if you can, from the photo, I’m not very knowledgeable about this. It shines well, brightly, and is not blue at all.

The focus is not adjustable, but the teeth on the front can be unscrewed.

The widened tail allows the lantern to stand firmly on the back, and if you use the included light-diffusing caps, you can get a nice candelabra :)

The button is pressed tightly, but clearly. In total, the flashlight has 4 modes, “Strong”, “Weak”, “Strobe” and “SOS”. Modes are usually switched with a short press, and SOS is turned on with a double click.

We open the flashlight and we are greeted by the strangest battery in the world! :)

Both sides are the same! I immediately remembered the joke my grandfather told me about the Zaporozhets car.

There is such a trick here, both sides are needed for both the power bank and the flashlight to work.:) If you install a regular 18650, it will also work, but only either a flashlight or a power bank, it depends on where the battery is facing. In general, it’s not a flashlight, but a joke.

And about the power bank, it delivers from 1 ampere, the current turned out to be 1320 mAh, i.e. Battery capacity is almost 2000mAh. They didn’t really lie (I know there will be an invasion of Coulombs and Teslas with calculation formulas, but I said my own) The flashlight is charged with a current of 1 ampere, I timed it, but not for very long, probably 3 hours?

What is the most important thing in a lantern? Of course it's light, so let's go outside!



With Diffusers:


Let's compare it with my Ultrafire under the same conditions.

By eye, it’s 3-4 times more powerful.

Battery consumption at maximum is 1.8A. Unfortunately, I cannot measure other parameters.

Here’s a flashlight like this, in principle it’s not bad as a flashlight, and the charging separately is good, but all together it’s very expensive. If anyone decides to take a risk, here is the discount code: TVCJOVD6

Good luck!



Paramount Marauder from South Africa

When the area has been explored, it’s time to capture resources. For this, a couple of strong armored SUVs will come in handy. It is highly desirable to have a Paramount Marauder at your disposal. This red monster from South Africa will break through brick walls and overcome rubble. He will not flinch under fire and is not afraid of even small explosive devices.


To capture resources comfortably, you can afford the Canadian KNIGHT XV biofuel SUV. The body made of tempered steel and armored glass will protect your body, as well as the car’s built-in stereo system and Playstation 3. Let’s meet the end of the world with music, while playing!

Belts and stuff

The same can be said about the specialized racing seat, seat belts, suspension, wheels, cooling system. “If you have an unlimited gold card...”, as it was said in one famous TV show, then you can order the necessary parts from well-known brand manufacturers.

The budget option suggests leaving everything as is, making sure to equip the driver’s seat with four-point seat belts. It is on how well this belt is made that your health will depend when you catch the first “ears” in your race - that is, you tip your wheels upside down.

In the process of all these titanic works, it is recommended to remember the second commandment:

The heaviest limousine in the world

Leading a sedentary lifestyle when the last signs of civilization are disappearing and resources are being consumed without being replenished is not a very good solution. Of course, it is better to wander and pick up what other, less fortunate competitors did not have time to use in surviving after a global catastrophe. The heaviest limousine in the world, the Midnight Rider, would make a great home on wheels. In such a huge car you can load your entire family with distant relatives and a small detachment of armed guards. Accompanied by a convoy of the vehicles described above, such a caravan will be the first step towards establishing its power over a large territory of the post-apocalyptic world.

Belaya village

In general, there are not a lot of roads in Kaluga now either. In the vicinity of Kaluga there is only one highway in operation - in the village of Belaya. Many disputes arose with the transfer of the sports base on the territory of which this track is located. They repeatedly threatened to liquidate it. But talk remains talk for now. The track continues to function today, and survival races are held on it.

However, if you have the opportunity to transport your four-wheeled monster, then you can stock up on gasoline, enough free time and go to Spas-Demensk, where there is also a highway. Or to Obninsk. Or you can even get to Ramenskoye or Vidnoye near Moscow. Who likes it more?

Tractor Terror

A transitional type of transport - from an all-terrain marauder to an agricultural worker - is the fast Terror tractor. With this you can fly to a neighboring village through a field with a pirate raid, or you can cultivate black soil not far from the main base. Then, of course, on such a tractor it will be necessary to protect the future harvest, patrolling the agricultural area both day and night.


In contact autocross, making a car yourself is the most affordable option, since any car from grandpa’s garage will work. It could be a rusty “penny”, or the horror of the domestic automobile industry – “Oka”, or it could be a “Zaporozhets”, if it can really be found somewhere else.

If grandpa’s garage is empty, it’s okay: the car can be found through a regular ad. Or at the car market, looking for the cheapest and most unpopular options. You can find a suitable option in the nearest yard - a lot of auto junk still stands in quiet Kaluga districts in summer and winter. All that remains is to find the owner of such junk cars and negotiate a sale with him at a reasonable price.

So, you are the owner of the “trough”. Now comes the second stage: we throw out everything we can from it. Interior trim, back seat, instrument panel, glass, headlights - we don’t need any of this.

However, you shouldn’t enthusiastically hit the car with a sledgehammer, like in Mad Max. It is recommended to remove excess parts carefully so as not to cause unnecessary damage to the body. He will still get a lot if you follow this path to the end.

Luxury Ford F650 truck

The products grown and the goods produced, if managed correctly, will exceed the needs of a small community, and such luxurious Ford650 trucks will be useful for establishing trade relations with newly minted merchants. It is immediately clear that encroaching on the property of the owner of such a truck is fraught with serious complications.

Non-lethal sonic weapons

Just as crows flock to the grains of the harvest, so hungry, homeless zombie people will approach your supplies. But there is no need to destroy them. First, we’ll just scare them off with a non-lethal sound weapon placed on the truck, and then we’ll make them work for us.

TerraHawk Vehicle Surveillance System

It is better to control a crowd of zombies or a crowd of workers from above. The TerraHawk vehicle surveillance system will select a convenient location and raise a special observation tower to a height of more than 8 meters, in which you can place a sniper. The cabin is warm and dry - you can work around the clock.

Compressed air car

When all gas stations are squeezed to the last drop, it will be the turn of alternative energy sources. The Toyota Ku:Rin compressed air vehicle does not need refueling. Its engine does not consume fuel and does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. In order to drive it at a speed of almost 130 km/h, you just need to work the pump ahead of time.

Commandment One: “Make your own car!”

First of all, any aspiring prepper needs the right vehicle. You can, of course, go to the forums, look for advertisements for the sale of a finished car and find out that prices for them can vary between 50-200 thousand rubles.

But the first commandment of a novice survivalist is: the car must be assembled with your own hands.

It’s always easier to buy, but when you know your car down to the last screw, you can consider that you have the makings of a car designer.

SUV with self-changing wheels

Chemical, biological, and radiation contamination will make large areas around many former industrial and military facilities deserted after the “end of the world.” But the thirst for valuable “swag” will drive stalkers to such places. An SUV with self-changing wheels from Sheikh Hamad's garage will be a reliable car in such cases, because you won't even have to leave the safety of the cabin in case of a tire puncture. Such a system should also help overcome steep inclines or ditches.


He also drew attention to the ability of the Strela armored car to withstand explosions under the wheel of explosive devices with a power of up to two kilograms in TNT equivalent.

“Armored vehicles are protected from powerful explosive devices; shockproof seats are installed inside, which compensate for the impact of the blast wave. Let us remember the use of the Tiger armored car in Syria; there were several explosions, but the servicemen survived. This is a very important component,” Litovkin emphasized.

The creation of Strela was previously announced by the general director of the developer company Military Industrial Company LLC, Alexander Krasovitsky. The weight of the vehicle was 4.7 tons, which is two times less than the Tiger family of vehicles. “Strela” has ballistic protection capable of withstanding shots from AK-74, AKM assault rifles and SVD rifles. The maximum speed on the highway reaches 155 kilometers per hour. The mine protection of an armored car allows you to save the lives of the crew when mines or explosive devices with a capacity of up to two kilograms of TNT are detonated under the wheel (versus 600 grams for the Tiger).

Permanent news address: Published July 13, 2020 at 11:14 pm

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