Rules of behavior in conditions of forced autonomy in natural conditions

Rules of conduct during pandemics. Rules of conduct during the coronavirus pandemic

From iosiadmin_oleg on Fri, 20/03/2020 — 09:57

Rules of conduct during pandemics. Rules of conduct during the coronavirus pandemic

Hotline MOSI 8362 (635640)

Hotline of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 8 (800) 200-01-12

Unified Consulting Center of Rospotrebnadzor 8 (800) 555-49-43


Rules of conduct during the coronavirus pandemic

(recommended by Rospotrebnadzor, letter dated March 10, 2020 No. 02/3853-2020-27).

1. Maintain personal hygiene: - wash your hands as often and thoroughly as possible (at least 20 seconds), including using antiseptics; - touch your face less often; -ventilate the premises regularly; -regularly treat your phone (a powerful source of infection) with antiseptic agents, especially where the body of the gadget comes into contact with your face. If there is a cover, then during processing it must be removed and processed separately (or it is better to do without it altogether).

2. Maintain public hygiene: - go out into public places as little as possible, avoid contact with sick people, keep a distance from other people - at least 1 meter, avoid kissing and shaking hands, do not eat food from shared dishes or packaging; -if you discover that you have a cold, immediately consult a doctor by calling him at home and strictly follow all his recommendations, do not self-medicate, report your illness remotely at your place of work and/or study; -if you come into contact with a sick person, report this remotely to your place of work and/or study and organize self-quarantine for at least two weeks. Remember that maintaining public hygiene by everyone is the key to the safety of everyone!

3. Regularly monitor your body temperature and your well-being. If you detect an elevated body temperature and/or the first signs of an acute respiratory infection, cold, or flu appear, do not self-medicate, immediately consult a doctor by calling him at home, and strictly follow all his recommendations, report your condition remotely at your place of work and/ or study;

4. If you feel signs of a cold or have been in contact with a sick person, under no circumstances go to work or attend classes at an educational organization! Immediately contact a doctor by calling him at home and strictly follow all his recommendations, report your condition remotely at your place of work and/or study.

Notification in the event of a threat or emergency

Sirens and intermittent beeps from businesses or vehicles indicate the signal “Attention everyone!” When you hear it, immediately turn on the loudspeaker, radio or TV, listen to an information message about the emergency situation, the rules of conduct and your actions. Information about what happened will be repeated many times and updated as events develop.

The population living near potentially dangerous enterprises will be notified by the enterprise personnel on duty via the local warning networks of these enterprises.

Rules of politeness. Common rules of politeness

Rules of politeness. Common rules of politeness

You can always determine the degree of culture of a person by his behavior. It’s nice to communicate with a well-mannered person, but rude, vulgar speech leaves the worst impression.

What is politeness

Every person is a social being. People communicate with each other, create families, become colleagues. All members of society deserve respect. To avoid conflicts, insults, and annoyance, polite treatment is accepted between interlocutors.

Politeness is the ability to communicate tactfully, listen carefully to another point of view, show tolerance, and the ability to resolve conflict situations peacefully. Politeness and decency are the very tools that make people feel comfortable and free when communicating with their own kind.

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Rules of politeness

Since childhood, everyone knows the “magic words”: thank you, hello, forgive me, excuse me, thank you. Tactfulness begins with politeness. This is the international norm. If such a quality as delicacy is considered innate, then good manners can be learned. Polite people know what is always necessary:

  • greet;
  • saying goodbye;
  • ask for forgiveness (when a mistake is made, or they cause inconvenience to the interlocutor);
  • be interested (that is, provide the necessary minimum of attention, for example, ask: “How are you?”);
  • do not push passers-by with your elbows in order to get somewhere;
  • do not interrupt your interlocutor, especially if he is older;
  • do not shout to a friend who is far away.

The best indicator of a person’s upbringing is his restraint. The violent manifestation of negative emotions in public is completely unacceptable.

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How to become polite

The rules of politeness are instilled in children from childhood. Parents are always the first teachers. In the morning, children and parents say to each other: “good morning,” in the afternoon, “good afternoon,” and in the evenings, “good night.” Controversial situations at home are resolved verbally. Well-mannered parents analyze the causes of conflict, behavioral mistakes, and explain to their child why he is wrong. The child should be given examples of how to act in a given situation. This is how little people are prepared for adult life in society.

Psychologists say: if you start the moral education of a child at 2-3 years old, then they are already 2-3 years late. Children take their cues from those closest to them. They imitate mom and dad, and this starts from the cradle.

The courtesy and attentiveness of the interlocutor are of particular value. Warmth and goodwill help a person to open up and show his best qualities. Rudeness, ignorance, and rudeness offend human dignity and cause moral harm to the individual. An offended person withdraws into himself and stops contacting the offender. Japanese psychologists have long noticed that a polite person will always be safe, but a boor and rude person will definitely get into trouble.

What is now forbidden to do in churches?

A church is a place where there are large gatherings of people who are in close proximity to each other, which increases the risk of contracting the virus.

Approved sanitary standards prohibit doing the following in the temple:

  • kiss the cross, icons and the hand of the priest;
  • touch the bowl with your lips;
  • be too close to each other.

During the quarantine period, clergy must:

  • regularly disinfect crosses, icons, Gospels;
  • use cotton swabs and paper napkins for anointing and anointing with oil (used hygiene products must be burned);
  • disinfect the font after baptism;
  • after each service, wipe and pour boiling water over liturgical vessels and utensils;
  • wipe the spoon with alcohol after each communicant and give “drinking water” in disposable containers.

Some churches have organized online services for parishioners.

Etiquette. 20 non-obvious rules of etiquette that show you to be a well-mannered person

Etiquette. 20 non-obvious rules of etiquette that show you to be a well-mannered person

    Guys, we put our hearts into Bright Side. Thank you for revealing this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps. Join us on Facebook and VKontakte

    The concept of “good manners” has not disappeared anywhere these days, because we all try to be polite people and think that we are well-mannered. As they say, tact is something that no one will notice, but tactlessness is noticeable to everyone. But in addition to the obvious rules of decency, there are also those that we do not observe simply because we do not think about them.

    We at Bright Side decided to collect rules of good manners that are not too obvious, but by following them we “pump up” our image of a well-mannered person.

    Home and guests

    • Should guests be asked to remove their shoes when entering the house? It's a decision they should definitely make themselves, but etiquette experts say that unless you're absolutely prepared to have shoes worn around the house, visitors should be warned in advance. And of course, it is considered bad form to ask to take off your shoes if it is a party where the guests are dressed smartly. However, if guests have already taken off their shoes, it would be appropriate to offer disposable slippers. It is indecent to offer personal house shoes.
    • Making excuses to a guest about your home (small mess or repairs) is considered a manifestation of the owner's disrespect for himself. By letting someone into your home, you are placing trust in them, and your guest will respect that and accept the home for what it is.


  • If you borrow a friend's car, return it with more gas. And we think that there is no need to talk about keeping the interior clean.
  • The safest place in a car is considered to be directly behind the driver, but the most comfortable is in the back seat on the right. Therefore, it is good practice to give this seat to the oldest or the woman, and the youngest rides in the middle. This is the unspoken hierarchy.
  • It is considered impolite and even dangerous to hang out on your phone and sleep if you are sitting next to the driver. Good tone and safety rules include a calm, not too emotional conversation, without gesturing or strong emotions, as well as the ability to recognize when the situation on the road requires pausing the conversation so that the driver can concentrate as much as possible.


  • If you canceled a meeting for any reason, then organizing a new one is definitely your initiative, which shows your partner his importance in your eyes.
  • If you meet someone you know while already in a group, then it is good form to introduce your acquaintances to each other. Even if you spend a little time talking, the people around you will feel much more comfortable.
  • Many people wonder at what age it is necessary to contact a person on your behalf. The age of “coming out” starts at 12 years old, so you already need to have a conversation with teenagers at the level of an equal interlocutor. In addition, it is inadmissible to address service personnel on a first-name basis; this is a gross violation of the rules of decency.
  • Everyone knows that it is indecent to shake hands with your interlocutor while wearing gloves, but the rule that you must stand up when shaking hands is not so common. You can’t shake hands if you smoke and can’t throw away your cigarette; at the very least, you should definitely apologize for it. They don't shake hands in the restroom either.


If you intend to visit an area where there is an active volcano, you must familiarize yourself with the forecast of its activity in advance. Eruptions are almost never random, and the risk of suffering from them is minimal.

If you receive a warning about a possible eruption, try to prepare. Of course, if there is a high probability of a release of lava masses or large stones, you should evacuate immediately, but a small release of volcanic gases and ash can be waited out indoors. To protect yourself, close windows and doors tightly, stock up on water and food for 3-5 days, and organize autonomous sources of light and heat. Prepare gauze respirators, safety glasses and clothing. Stay where you are and do not leave your home until you receive the alarm cancel signal.

Rules of conduct during a volcanic eruption

Conditions for the implementation of laws. § 21–22. Using the power of laws

Detailed solution paragraph § 21–22 in social studies School 2100 for 7th grade students, authors D.D. Danilov, S.M. Davydova, A.A. Nikolaeva, L.N. Korpacheva, N.S. Pavlova 2015

  • Gdz workbook on social studies for grade 7 can be found

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Compare the methods of solving the problem proposed by Lyosha and Masha. What do you see as the main contradiction?

Lesha - return the faulty computer back to the store. Masha - buy a new one. Masha does not believe that the issue can be resolved legally.

What problem arises from this contradiction? Formulate it and compare it with the author’s version (p. 209).

How to protect your rights and resolve the conflict in the most effective way?


Remember the meaning of the concepts: right, justice, law, Constitution, legal norms, human rights. (Dictionary)

Law (system of law) is a set of legal norms (legislation) and government authorities that ensure their implementation.

Justice is the correlation of actions with what is recognized as correct and fair in relations between people without prior preference for anyone’s interests (impartially).

Law is a rule of behavior established by the state and written down, mandatory for everyone (rule of law), the violation of which is punishable by state punishment (fine, prison, etc.).

The Constitution is the basic law of the state, defining its structure.

Legal norms are mandatory rules established and protected by the power of the state: laws, by-laws, sometimes unwritten customs (customary law).

Human rights are a system of inalienable rights of any individual, enshrined in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the laws of most modern states, based on the theory of natural rights.


– cultural rights to education, participation in cultural life, a favorable environment, freedom of creativity, etc.;

– personal rights to life, freedom, integrity, property, judicial protection; freedom of thought, conscience, movement, choice of nationality, etc.;

– political rights to citizenship, participation in the governance of one’s state, the right to elect and be elected to government bodies, to participate in the administration of justice; the right to freedom of speech, access to information, peaceful meetings, rallies, processions, etc.;

– socio-economic rights to private property and entrepreneurship, labor, housing, social security, health care, family, etc.

What is the role of citizens in the political system of society, according to modern laws? (§ 18–20)

Citizens are part of the political system of society. They can influence government decisions through public associations, political parties and the media. And also express your agreement with the state by paying taxes, observing and respecting laws.


1. Justice - legality.

Determine the criteria for the fairness of the law from the text.

Moral and legal principles; divine will, boundaries of human freedom, rules of law, law.

Draw a conclusion on the problem: “How to protect your rights and resolve the conflict in the most effective way?”

Using the law.

Make a list of the stages that the law goes through until the moment when citizens must begin to comply with it.

1. legislative initiative (deputies of Parliament, the President, the Government, the Constitutional, Supreme and Arbitration courts, legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.)

3. discussion in the Federation Council - approve or reject.

4. signing or rejection of the law by the president

5. publication in newspapers and official websites.

Using the diagram, indicate the roles of everyone involved in the execution of laws.

Citizens, authorities, police and other law enforcement agencies.

How do laws work?

Make suggestions as to what the text might be talking about with this title.

About the mechanisms for enforcing laws, about who monitors the implementation of laws.

In the indicated places, ask a question to the author of the text - B, predict the answer - O and test yourself using the text - P

Draw a conclusion on the problem that Lyosha faced in the text at the beginning of the paragraph: “How to protect your rights and resolve the conflict?”

You can file a claim with the court, the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights, the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc.

Rules of communication. 15 rules of Internet etiquette that you need to remember once and for all

    Guys, we put our hearts into Bright Side. Thank you for revealing this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps. Join us on Facebook and VKontakte

    Internet etiquette, or netiquette, is a fairly new concept, but extremely necessary. The thing is, what many people don't seem to realize is that the rules of polite communication apply not only in spoken conversation, but also on social media.

    Bright Side decided to list the basic rules of netiquette. Of course, they are not strictly established, but it is by them that the majority identify virtual ignoramuses.

    • If you have been sent a picture, video
      or text that you have already seen, perhaps even a long time ago and repeatedly, you should not arrogantly declare that this is a button accordion. Act surprised: it costs you nothing, but your interlocutor is pleased.
    • Do not set loud volumes for messages in public places. It's no longer 2005, when that meant you were an important person.
    • Before reposting material about a small British kitten who will be given away for free to new owners or euthanized, take a minute to check this information. In 90% of cases it will be outdated or initially fake.
    • You can call on Skype or Facetime only with prior notice. You never know what your potential interlocutor could be doing when you unexpectedly decided to call him for a video chat.
  • It is advisable to respond to messages requiring feedback within 24 hours. A longer period will be considered rudeness.
  • Messages that replace letters with similar $characters, written in na translite, CAPS LOCK, or WOW, are also best left in 2005.
  • If you become a participant in an unexpectedly heated discussion, forget about the original topic, accidentally get personal and just can’t stop, know: you have become a participant in a flame (from the English flame - “flame”). Typically, flames arise spontaneously, develop very quickly and end in nothing: all participants remain unconvinced, except that they raise slight doubts about their adequacy among ordinary observers of the battle. The most reasonable decision for a person who, by the will of fate, is drawn into such a skirmish is to express his position once as constructively as possible and not enter into the discussion again.
  • Everyone has chats in messengers that are dedicated to a specific topic. For example, a work chat, a chat for residents of the entrance, a discussion on choosing a gift for a friend, and so on. Along with such discussions, there is such a problem as offtopic (from the English off topic - “off topic”). Offtopic means sending messages to some thematic chat with completely abstract things. Considering how many similar dialogues there are in the messengers of every modern person, this is wildly annoying and is already officially prohibited in some groups.
  • A very important rule for communicating on social networks with friends and acquaintances: if you see a post, support it or pass by. After all, a person posts thoughts and photographs for the sake of pleasure and communication, and not for the sake of criticism and negativity.
  • The same applies to public figures or publications. If you don't like someone or something or don't like it anymore, just unsubscribe and stop reading it. Telling the author that you are no longer interested in him or how uninteresting he is is stupid. The author did not set out to please you. He probably has his own plan for his own publications. In general, negative comments are an interesting point. Many inhabitants of forums and social networks lose their human appearance not only physically, but also morally: without hesitation they are rude, insult and pose as professionals of the highest order, whether in the criticism of indie cinema or in the thermodynamic processes of a multi-stage compressor. Unfortunately, this happens because for most of them the Internet is the only place where they can express themselves in any way.
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